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随着科学技术的飞速发展,各种搭载有避障系统的家用或商用产品逐渐发展起来,在地质勘探、抢险救援、快递投送、智能分拣等领域都得到普遍应用。本文设计了一种基于树莓派的智能避障小车。该设计采用树莓派 4B 作为主控单元,使用 Python 语言编程,通过拓展板连接电机驱动模块、红外避障模块、四路循迹模块、摄像头模块以及双舵机云台。当该小车启动时,四路寻迹模块开始检测预设路径,红外避障模块检测路径上的障碍物,将检测到的信号发送给树莓派主控单元处理,控制小车的运动状态,同时用户通过网页端监视小车前方路况,为人工介入操作提供参考。经测试,该小车结合网页端的实时控制延迟较低,避障准确率高,能很好地完成循迹任务,具有一定的应用和参考价值。
关键词:智能小车;树莓派 4B;红外避障模块;四路寻迹模块
With the rapid development of science and technology, a variety of household or commercial products equipped with obstacle avoidance systems are gradually being developed and widely used in fields such as geological exploration, emergency rescue, express delivery, and intelligent sorting. This article designs an intelligent obstacle avoidance car based on Raspberry Pi. The design uses Raspberry Pi 4B as the main control unit, programmed in Python, and connects with motor drive modules, infrared obstacle avoidance modules, four-way track modules, camera modules, and a dual servo gimbal through expansion boards. When the car is started, the four-way track module starts detecting the preset path, and the infrared obstacle avoidance module detects obstacles on the path, sending the detected signals to the Raspberry Pi main control unit for processing to control the car's motion state. At the same time, the user monitors the road conditions ahead of the car through a web interface, providing a reference for manual intervention. Through testing, the car combined with the web interface has low real-time control latency, high obstacle avoidance accuracy, and can successfully complete track tasks, thus having certain application and reference value.
Keywords: intelligent car; Raspberry Pi 4B; infrared obstacle avoidance module; four-way track module.

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