
0 下载量 7 浏览量 更新于2024-01-17 收藏 469KB DOC 举报
The website system sample document "Design and Implementation of Website System" aims to enhance the company's self-promotion and customer information exchange, thereby promoting the company's development. The website consists of two parts: the front-end and the back-end. The front-end presents the company's various business operations, cultural information, part-time job opportunities, and current news. The back-end is essential for initializing and modifying the information on the front-end pages. The system was developed using software engineering methods, including requirement analysis, overall design, and detailed design. It was developed using the .NET development platform, a B/S architecture pattern, and a SQL Server database to enable rapid updates to the website information. The goal is to make the company's website information more accessible and up to date. The core keywords of the system include network, website, and enterprise.