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《商业化的Android应用开发第二版》是一本由Roy Sandberg和Mark Rollins合作撰写的全新升级指南,专为当前的Android独立开发者和游戏应用开发者量身打造。随着Android平台的持续增长,Google Play和Amazon Appstore已经成为仅次于iTunes的应用生态系统的首选,对于开发者而言,如何在众多应用中脱颖而出并实现持久的成功变得至关重要。 本书详细阐述了从创意到实现盈利的完整流程。首先,它深入分析了Android市场的背景,帮助读者理解市场动态和用户行为。作者强调了确保应用成功的关键因素,包括法律问题的合规性,预防可能出现的风险。接着,书中介绍了Android开发的基础知识,让新手也能快速上手。 在专业开发技巧方面,读者将学习如何像专业人士那样开发出高质量的应用,并通过成本效益高的营销策略来提升知名度。作者分享了成功的应用如何吸引投资者的注意力,以及他们对优秀应用与平庸或失败应用的不同看法。此外,书中还涵盖了广告植入和内购功能(In-App Billing)的重要性,以及如何利用App Marketplaces进一步扩大收益。 《商业化的Android应用开发第二版》特别适合预算有限的独立开发者,它不仅提供了实用的工具,还降低了入门门槛,让开发者无需具备商业知识即可启动自己的应用项目。最后,书中的附录和索引为读者提供了方便的参考,同时推荐读者访问Wow!eBook网站获取更多资源。 这本书是Android应用开发者必备的实战指南,无论你是初次涉足还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中找到推动应用成功、实现盈利的有效策略。随着Android市场的竞争加剧,这本书无疑为开发者提供了宝贵的商业智慧和实践指导。
2023-06-06 上传

帮我看看这段话有没有语法错误:The first effect of guaranteeing people have basic financial products and services is increasing the overall quality of people’s lives. Ensuring reliable access to financial products and services can contribute to helping families and companies plan the future from two aspects, long-term goals and unexpected emergencies (The World Bank, 2022). Long-term goals mean long-term investments such as investments in health: saving money against illness, saving for a child’s education, saving for a house or car, etc. Unexpected emergencies mean managing risk, that is, people can apply for a loan from the bank when they are in the face of a sudden bankruptcy or business shock. Furthermore, when people meet weather financial shocks, the government and banks will give some financial assistance. With these financial services, people have a basic guarantee of life and a clear plan for the future in the meanwhile. Guarantee of financial services leads them to save a sum of money in a safe bank account for buying a house, providing funds for children’s education, and buying medical insurance for both themselves and their families to prevent the sudden arrival of diseases. In daily life, online payment improves life efficiency such as reducing queuing time. Additionally, in occupational life, financial guarantees can encourage and empower young people can be bolder to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams by providing them with start-up funds from banks. All in all, the guarantee of financial products leads to individuals plan for their financial futures and improve their overall quality of life.

2023-05-05 上传