MySQL 5.0精华:查询与API编程实例

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《MySQL+Cookbook》是由Paul DuBois编著的一本实用指南,由O'Reilly出版社于2006年11月出版。该书针对MySQL 5.0及其新特性提供了深入的介绍,特别关注如何利用SQL编写查询来解决特定问题,这些查询通常基于MySQL发行版中的内置功能。书中强调了如何通过MySQL API与数据库进行交互,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的程序员都能从中找到大量实例和代码片段,以便在遇到问题时快速找到解决方案。 本书不仅适用于MySQL新手,也适合有一定基础的开发者,它包含超过1000页的内容,涵盖了广泛的主题。书中提供了大量的实用技巧,例如: 1. 同时从多个表中获取数据:学习如何编写SQL查询,以便在处理复杂的数据关联时一次性获取所需信息。 2. SQL查询优化:学习如何选择、排序和汇总行,提高查询效率。 3. 表间比较:理解如何在两个表之间查找匹配或不匹配的记录,这对于数据分析和数据清洗至关重要。 4. 时间和日期操作:掌握如何计算日期间隔,包括年龄计算,这对于与时间相关的业务场景非常有用。 5. 图像存储与显示:学习如何将图片存储到MySQL并从Web页面中检索出来,实现动态内容展示。 6. 数据导入与验证:了解如何使用LOAD DATA命令正确读取数据文件,并检查文件中可能存在的无效值。 7. 数据质量控制:通过严格模式防止错误数据录入数据库,确保数据的准确性。 8. 数据迁移:学习如何复制表或整个数据库到其他服务器,支持数据库的扩展和备份需求。 9. 序列生成:生成唯一的行标识符,用于唯一标识数据库中的记录。 10. 定时任务执行:创建数据库事件,按照预设的时间表自动执行特定任务。 此外,书中还新增了针对Perl、PHP、Python和Java等语言的API使用示例,这使得开发者可以根据自己的编程偏好选择最合适的工具。无论你是想提升SQL技能,还是寻求特定问题的解决方案,《MySQL+Cookbook》都是一个宝贵的资源库,帮助你更高效地管理和操作MySQL数据库。
2018-05-25 上传
Practice makes a man perfect. But to practice, you need some knowledge and training. This book helps you with that. Most day-to-day and practical scenarios are covered in this book. Chapter 1, MySQL 8 - Installing and Upgrading, describes how to install MySQL 8 on different flavors of Linux, upgrade to MySQL 8 from previous stable releases, and also downgrade from MySQL 8. Chapter 2, Using MySQL, takes you through the basic uses of MySQL, such as creating databases and tables; inserting, updating, deleting, and selecting data in various ways; saving to different destinations; sorting and grouping results; joining tables; managing users; other database elements such as triggers, stored procedures, functions, and events; and getting metadata information. Chapter 3, Using MySQL (Advanced), covers the latest additions to MySQL 8, such as the JSON datatype, common table expressions, and window functions. Chapter 4, Configuring MySQL, shows you how to configure MySQL and basic configuration parameters. Chapter 5, Transactions, explains the four isolation levels of RDBMS and how to use MySQL for transactions. Chapter 6, Binary Logging, demonstrates how to enable binary logging, various formats of binary logs, and how to retrieve data from binary logs. Chapter 7, Backups, covers various types of backups, the pros and cons of each method, and which one to choose based on your requirements. Chapter 8, Restoring Data, covers how to recover data from varies backups. Chapter 9, Replication, explains how to set up various replication topologies. The recipes on switching a slave from master-slave to chain replication and switching a slave from chain replication to master-slave is something that will interest the readers. Chapter 10, Table Maintenance, covers cloning tables. Managing big tables is something that this chapter will make you a maestro of. Installation and usage of third-party tools is also covered in this chapter. Chapter 11, Managing Tablespace, deals with recipes that will teach the readers how to resize, create, copy, and manage tablespaces. Chapter 12, Managing Logs, takes readers through error, general query, slow query, and binary logs. Chapter 13, Performance Tuning, explains query and schema tuning in detail. There are ample recipes in the chapter that will cover this. Chapter 14, Security, focuses on the aspects of security. Recipes on securing installation, restricting networks and users, setting and resetting of passwords, and much more in covered are detail.