基于Visual C++的图像检测与模板匹配技术

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资源摘要信息:"本资源主要涉及Visual C++环境下实现的图像处理技术,特别强调了模板匹配的应用。模板匹配是一种广泛应用于计算机视觉中的技术,它能够在一幅图像中寻找与给定模板图像最相似的区域。在视觉识别、物体检测、图像分析等领域有着广泛的应用。模板匹配算法的核心在于定义一个相似度度量标准,通过这个标准计算待匹配图像中的每一个可能位置与模板图像之间的相似程度,最终找到最佳匹配位置。 Visual C++是一种广泛使用的开发环境,它提供了丰富的图像处理库和接口,适合进行模板匹配算法的开发。在本资源中,"mbpp.rar"文件可能包含了相关的实现代码,这些代码能够帮助开发者快速构建模板匹配应用,检测出图像的基本参数。 标题中的"mbpp.rar"可能代表了一个包含模板匹配算法代码的压缩包,其中的Visual C++代码文件(假设为"mbpp.cpp"、"matching.h"等)将详细展示如何在C++环境下使用模板匹配技术进行图像处理。开发者可以利用这些代码实现图像中特定对象的定位,检测图像的形状、大小和方向等基本参数。 描述中提到的“可以检测出图像的基本参数,并进行模板匹配”意味着提供的代码或工具能够识别图像中的基本特征,并利用这些特征与预定义的模板进行比较。基本参数可能包括图像的颜色、亮度、对比度、尺寸、角度等。通过对比,可以确定图像是否符合特定的模板要求。 标签“visual_c 模板匹配”表明资源的开发语言为Visual C++,且主要功能是实现模板匹配。Visual C++在处理图像方面拥有许多优势,比如它能够访问大量的图形库,如OpenCV、GDI+等,这些库提供了丰富的图像处理功能,大大简化了模板匹配算法的开发工作。 压缩包子文件的文件名称列表中“图象的检测,模板匹配算法代码”表明了压缩包中应该包含至少两部分内容:一是图像检测相关的代码,这可能涉及到图像预处理、特征提取等步骤;二是模板匹配算法的具体实现代码。这些代码可能包含了对不同图像处理任务的封装,以及如何在多种情况下实现高效率的模板匹配。 开发者在使用本资源时,可以预期获得一套完整的模板匹配解决方案,这套方案将帮助他们理解模板匹配的工作原理,同时提供实际应用中所需的基础代码框架。通过进一步的定制和优化,开发者可以根据自身项目需求,将这些模板匹配技术应用于实际的产品或服务中。" 知识点包括: - 模板匹配技术的定义与应用范围 - 图像检测的基本参数和检测方法 - Visual C++在图像处理方面的优势和常用的图形库 - 模板匹配算法的核心要素,包括相似度度量标准 - 实现模板匹配的具体编程语言和工具 - 压缩包中可能包含的文件类型和它们的功能 - 模板匹配技术在实际项目中的应用案例和实现策略
2023-02-10 上传

用中文总结以下内容: A number of experimental and numerical investigations have been conducted to study the MBPP stack and wavy flow field characteristics with various designs [10,11]. T. Chu et al. conducted the durability test of a 10-kW MBPP fuel cell stack containing 30 cells under dynamic driving cycles and analyzed the performance degradation mechanism [12]. X. Li et al. studied the deformation behavior of the wavy flow channels with thin metallic sheet of 316 stainless steel from both experimental and simulation aspects [13]. J. Owejan et al. designed a PEMFC stack with anode straight flow channels and cathode wavy flow channels and studied the in situ water distributions with neutron radiograph [14]. T. Tsukamoto et al. simulated a full-scale MBPP fuel cell stack of 300 cm2 active area at high current densities and used the 3D model to analyze the in-plane and through-plane parameter distributions [15]. G. Zhang et al. developed a two-fluid 3D model of PEMFC to study the multi-phase and convection effects of wave-like flow channels which are symmetric between anode and cathode sides [16]. S. Saco et al. studied the scaled up PEMFC numerically and compared straight parallel, serpentine zig-zag and straight zig-zag flow channels cell with zig-zag flow field with a transient 3D numerical model to analyze the subfreezing temperature cold start operations [18]. P. Dong et al. introduced discontinuous S-shaped and crescent ribs into flow channels based on the concept of wavy flow field for optimized design and improved energy performance [19]. I. Anyanwu et al. investigated the two-phase flow in sinusoidal channel of different geometric configurations for PEMFC and analyzed the effects of key dimensions on the droplet removal in the flow channel [20]. Y. Peng et al. simulated 5-cell stacks with commercialized flow field designs, including Ballard-like straight flow field, Honda-like wavy flow field and Toyota-like 3D mesh flow field, to investigate their thermal management performance [21]. To note, the terms such as sinusoidal, zig-zag, wave-like and Sshaped flow channels in the aforementioned literatures are similar to the so called wavy flow channels in this paper with identical channel height for the entire flow field. The through-plane constructed wavy flow channels with periodically varied channel heights are beyond the scope of this paper [22,23].

2023-02-10 上传

用中文翻译:A coupled three-dimensional model is developed to study the internal parameter distributions of the MBPP fuel cell stack, considering fluid dynamics, electro-chemical reactions, multi-species mass transfer, twophase flow of water and thermal dynamics. The model geometry domains include anode MBPP, anode gas wavy flow field (5 parallel flow channels), anode GDL, anode catalyst layer (CL), membrane, cathode CL, cathode GDL, cathode gas wavy flow field (5 parallel flow channels), cathode MBPP and the two-layered coolant wavy flow fields at anode/cathode sides. According to the stack design, the design parameters of wavy flow fields for anode and cathode sides are the same but the phase deviation between their wave cycles presents 180◦. The two wavy flow fields of coolant, at the respective back sides of the anode and cathode plates, form the intercrossed two-layered coolant flow fields inside the MBPP, due to the phase difference of 180◦ between the wave cycles (Fig. 3). The mismatched flow field patterns between the neighbored fluid flows lead to complicated geometry and mesh building. The presented model geometry is divided into several layers (xz plane) according to the different domain materials so that the thin metallic plate and fluid domains with complicated 3D morphologies could be finely meshed layer by layer. As the real geometry of the experimental stack is too large for calculation, the modeled flow field consists of 5 parallel wavy channels, each of which includes 2 wave periods and corresponding inlet/outlet portions as well. To study the detailed thermal behavior of the presented design, the two-layered coolant fluid flow at the back side of the anode plate is considered and so is for the cathode plate. The counter flow operation is conducted where the air flows at the same direction with coolant but the opposite with hydrogen, shown in Fig. 3 (b).

2023-02-10 上传