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"《Mastering Python》是一本深入学习Python编程的书籍,旨在帮助读者掌握Python 3.5版本中的高级特性和最佳实践。作者通过实际案例和专家视角,介绍了如何编写高效、可维护和可复用的代码,适合有一定Python基础的程序员阅读。本书涵盖虚拟环境创建、函数式编程、装饰器、生成器、元类、异步IO、性能优化、多进程编程以及C语言扩展等多个主题,旨在提升读者对Python语言的深入理解和应用能力。" 在本书中,你将学习到: 1. 使用`venv`创建项目特定的环境,理解为何每个项目应有一个独立的环境,以保持依赖项的隔离。 2. 掌握Pythonic的语法和常见陷阱,了解如何遵循PEP 8风格指南编写整洁的代码。 3. 学习容器和集合的使用,如列表、字典、集合等,以便正确地存储和管理数据。 4. 深入函数式编程,了解其与命令式编程的区别,并在适当的时候利用它提高代码的可读性。 5. 探索装饰器的概念,学习编写不同类型的装饰器,如函数装饰器、类装饰器等,以及如何使用`functools.wraps`进行正确封装。 6. 理解生成器和协程,了解它们如何处理无限序列和异步操作,避免陷入lambda演算的复杂性。 7. 学习`asyncio`模块,用于构建异步客户端和服务端,实现高效的并发处理。 8. 探索元类(metaclasses),理解它们如何使类变得更智能,以及何时应该使用元类。 9. 使用Sphinx和reStructuredText生成HTML文档,提升代码的可读性和文档质量。 10. 学习不同的测试系统,如`py.test`、`doctest`和`unittest`,以及如何利用调试工具如Python调试器和`faulthandler`来查找和解决bug。 11. 了解性能调优,包括跟踪和减少内存及CPU使用,确保代码在多种Python版本和多核CPU上高效运行。 12. 使用`multiprocessing`库进行多进程编程,以应对单个CPU核心无法满足需求的情况。 13. 学习如何编写C/C++扩展,进行系统调用,以及C/C++与Python的交互,提升Python程序的性能。 本书采用详细讲解和实例演示的方式,将Python的高级特性与实际场景相结合,帮助读者逐步掌握如何编写更高级、更复杂的Python脚本,成为真正的Python大师。
2016-07-15 上传
Mastering Python [Master the art of writing beautiful and powerful Python by using all of the features that Python 3.5 offers] Packt Publishing | 29 April 2016 | English | ISBN: 1785289721 | 486 pages | PDF | 4.30 Mb Python is a dynamic programming language. It is known for its high readability and hence it is often the first language learned by new programmers. Python being multi-paradigm, it can be used to achieve the same thing in different ways and it is compatible across different platforms. Even if you find writing Python code easy, writing code that is efficient, easy to maintain, and reuse is not so straightforward. This book is an authoritative guide that will help you learn new advanced methods in a clear and contextualised way. It starts off by creating a project-specific environment using venv, introducing you to different Pythonic syntax and common pitfalls before moving on to cover the functional features in Python. It covers how to create different decorators, generators, and metaclasses. It also introduces you to functools.wraps and coroutines and how they work. Later on you will learn to use asyncio module for asynchronous clients and servers. You will also get familiar with different testing systems such as py.test, doctest, and unittest, and debugging tools such as Python debugger and faulthandler. You will learn to optimize application performance so that it works efficiently across multiple machines and Python versions. Finally, it will teach you how to access C functions with a simple Python call. By the end of the book, you will be able to write more advanced scripts and take on bigger challenges.