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"Goals Gone Wild" 是一份由Lisa D. Ordóñez、Maurice E. Schweitzer、Adam D. Galinsky和Max H. Bazerman合作撰写的哈佛商学院工作论文,探讨了过度设定目标可能带来的系统性副作用。这篇论文强调了在管理学领域广泛采用并被认为具有深远影响的目标设定理论的潜在问题。 文章指出,目标设定理论在过去的大量研究中得到了证实,它在多种国家和情境下表明,设定明确且有挑战性的目标能显著推动行为改变和绩效提升。然而,作者们警示,尽管目标设定在许多情况下能够激发动力,但过度依赖或不恰当地使用该理论可能导致一系列负面的系统性后果。 首先,过度设定目标可能导致短视行为。当个人或组织过于专注于达到特定目标时,他们可能会忽视其他重要的任务或长期的策略性考虑,导致决策的片面性和资源的不均衡分配。例如,销售团队可能会过度关注季度销售目标,而忽视客户满意度和长期关系建设。 其次,目标可能导致不道德的行为。如果目标设置得过高,员工可能会感到压力巨大,从而采取不正当手段以达成目标,这可能损害组织的声誉和合规性。例如,为了达到业绩指标,销售人员可能会误导消费者或操纵数据。 此外,过度设定目标还可能引发竞争性冲突。当每个部门或员工都有各自的目标时,内部竞争可能升级,损害团队协作和整体组织效率。同时,这种竞争可能导致资源浪费,因为每个人都在争取个人的成功,而非共同的进步。 再者,目标设定可能导致风险偏好增加。为了达成目标,个体可能会冒更大的风险,而不充分评估可能的损失。在金融领域,这可能导致过度冒险,最终引发金融危机。 最后,固定目标可能会抑制创新。当员工只关注完成既定目标时,他们可能不愿意尝试新的方法或探索替代路径,这限制了组织适应变化和持续改进的能力。 "Goals Gone Wild" 论文揭示了目标设定的双刃剑性质,提醒管理者在制定和实施目标时需谨慎,平衡短期绩效与长期发展,关注目标设定可能带来的潜在负面影响,并倡导更为全面和灵活的管理策略。这份工作论文提供了一个深入的视角,审视了管理实践中的一个关键工具,并提出了对目标设定应更加审慎和系统化的方法。

帮我看看这段话有没有语法错误:The first effect of guaranteeing people have basic financial products and services is increasing the overall quality of people’s lives. Ensuring reliable access to financial products and services can contribute to helping families and companies plan the future from two aspects, long-term goals and unexpected emergencies (The World Bank, 2022). Long-term goals mean long-term investments such as investments in health: saving money against illness, saving for a child’s education, saving for a house or car, etc. Unexpected emergencies mean managing risk, that is, people can apply for a loan from the bank when they are in the face of a sudden bankruptcy or business shock. Furthermore, when people meet weather financial shocks, the government and banks will give some financial assistance. With these financial services, people have a basic guarantee of life and a clear plan for the future in the meanwhile. Guarantee of financial services leads them to save a sum of money in a safe bank account for buying a house, providing funds for children’s education, and buying medical insurance for both themselves and their families to prevent the sudden arrival of diseases. In daily life, online payment improves life efficiency such as reducing queuing time. Additionally, in occupational life, financial guarantees can encourage and empower young people can be bolder to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams by providing them with start-up funds from banks. All in all, the guarantee of financial products leads to individuals plan for their financial futures and improve their overall quality of life.

2023-05-05 上传

润色:In the recent years, the world is constantly stricken by various terrifying natural or man-made disasters, all of which calls on our attention to the global sustainable development, defined as the overall coordinating development of nature, society and economy, to meet the current needs without at the cost of the future.\\ Back in 2015, UN Assembly has stipulated the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to address the problem including 17 goals which can be further classified into 5 categories: \textbf{fundamental necessities pursuit} (GOAL 1, 2), \textbf{sustainable social development} (GOAL 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), \textbf{sustainable economic development} (GOAL 8, 9, 10, 11, 12),\textbf{ sustainable ecological development} (GOAL 13, 14, 15) and \textbf{human symbiont pursuit} (GOAL 16, 17). In the article, we mainly discuss the relationships between the SDGs, the priority ranking of SDGs, base on which future implications are given including predicted blue print, ideal achievements and potential goals. Finally the influence of external factors on the structure is researched. In consideration of the priority of each SDG, the point weight is given to each SDG itself, and the edge weight is given to the degree of correlation between SDGs (that is, the degree of influence), to represent the degree of contribution of each SDG to the human-wellbeing. By final calculation, Goal 5,2,1 rank the top3.\\ In future implication, the sliding window model is employed. The predicted blue-print in 10 years is given qualitively and quantitively, and for the ideal achievements we find that fundamental necessities pursuit has a huge impact on the other goals, while human symbiont pursuit influence gradually and sustainable economic development has a general impact too.

2023-02-21 上传