
需积分: 9 1 下载量 71 浏览量 更新于2024-03-21 收藏 132KB DOCX 举报
a technology, not only can achieve calculation processing, data storage, communication with servers and other functions that static HTML technology cannot achieve on mobile phones, but also can develop various mobile games. This article introduces the J2ME and its architecture, and uses the snake game as an example to describe the process of developing mobile games with the MIDlet class library provided by J2ME. Keywords: mobile game; MIDP application; persistent data With the advancement of communication technology and the prevalence of mobile phones, there is an increasing focus on the development of mobile games. Utilizing J2ME as the development platform and leveraging the powerful tools provided by Java, developers can implement functionalities such as calculation processing, data storage, communication with servers, and more on mobile phones that are not possible with static HTML technology. Additionally, developers can create a variety of mobile games using J2ME. This article provides an overview of J2ME and its architecture, and uses the game of snake as a case study to illustrate the process of developing mobile games with the MIDlet class library in J2ME.