c设计人员类Person和日期类date,人员类派生出学生类student和教师类Teacher. 教师类包含姓名、生日、ID、专业、所属机构 学生类包含姓名、ID、成绩、生日 教师类与学生类的数据成员birthday (生日) 为日期类的对象文字说明创建学生类对象时,构造函数的调用顺序,以及程序运行结束时析构函数的调用顺序 运行结果: Name:kxiong Birthday:1976-05-27 Student ID:2023007Student Score:92 The basic information: 2023007 kxiong 92 1976-05-27 Name:xsong Birthday:1998-01-07 Teacher ID:20210058 Teaching Major:Computer Science Affiliation:CTBU The basic information: 20210058 xsong 1976-05-27 Computer Science CTBU
时间: 2024-03-02 21:53:48 浏览: 73
1. 调用Person类的构造函数,初始化姓名和生日;
2. 调用Student类的构造函数,初始化学生ID和成绩。
1. 调用Student类的析构函数,释放学生类对象分配的内存;
2. 调用Person类的析构函数,释放人员类对象分配的内存。
#include <iostream>
#include "Person.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Teacher.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
// 创建日期对象
Date birthday1(1976, 5, 27);
Date birthday2(1998, 1, 7);
// 创建学生类对象
Student student("kxiong", birthday1, 2023007, 92);
cout << "Name:" << student.getName() << " Birthday:" << student.getBirthday().toString() << " Student ID:" << student.getStudentID() << " Student Score:" << student.getScore() << endl;
cout << "The basic information: " << student.getStudentID() << " " << student.getName() << " " << student.getScore() << " " << student.getBirthday().toString() << endl;
// 创建教师类对象
Teacher teacher("xsong", birthday1, 20210058, "Computer Science", "CTBU");
cout << "Name:" << teacher.getName() << " Birthday:" << teacher.getBirthday().toString() << " Teacher ID:" << teacher.getTeacherID() << " Teaching Major:" << teacher.getTeachingMajor() << " Affiliation:" << teacher.getAffiliation() << endl;
cout << "The basic information: " << teacher.getTeacherID() << " " << teacher.getName() << " " << teacher.getBirthday().toString() << " " << teacher.getTeachingMajor() << " " << teacher.getAffiliation() << endl;
return 0;
Name:kxiong Birthday:1976-05-27 Student ID:2023007 Student Score:92
The basic information: 2023007 kxiong 92 1976-05-27
Name:xsong Birthday:1976-05-27 Teacher ID:20210058 Teaching Major:Computer Science Affiliation:CTBU
The basic information: 20210058 xsong 1976-05-27 Computer Science CTBU