Error in `geom_segment()`: ! `mapping` must be created by `aes()`
时间: 2023-06-19 11:09:19 浏览: 465
这个错误通常表示你在使用 `geom_segment()` 函数时,使用了不正确的参数。你需要使用 `aes()` 函数来创建映射参数,以便正确地指定线段的起点和终点。
ggplot(data = mydata) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(x = x_var, y = y_var)) + # 绘制点
geom_segment(mapping = aes(x = x_var1, y = y_var1, xend = x_var2, yend = y_var2)) # 绘制线段
在这个示例中,`x_var1` 和 `y_var1` 是线段的起点,`x_var2` 和 `y_var2` 是线段的终点。注意,`aes()` 函数用来将这些变量映射到对应的坐标轴上。
Error in `geom_line()`: ! `mapping` must be created by `aes()` Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
This error message is indicating that there is a problem with the `mapping` argument in the `geom_line()` function. The `mapping` argument must be created using the `aes()` function.
To see where the error occurred, you can run the `rlang::last_error()` function in your R console. This will provide more detailed information about the error, including the line number and the specific issue with the `mapping` argument.
Once you have identified the issue with the `mapping` argument, you can modify it accordingly to resolve the error.
Error in `geom_line()`: ! Problem while setting up geom. ℹ Error occurred in the 1st layer. Caused by error in `compute_geom_1()`: ! `geom_line()` requires the following missing aesthetics: y Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.
这是一个 R 语言中的错误提示,通常是因为你使用了 `geom_line()` 这个函数,但是没有指定 `y` 这个参数,从而导致绘图失败。你需要检查一下你的代码,看看是否缺少了某些必要的参数。你可以通过运行 `rlang::last_trace()` 来查看错误的具体位置。另外,你也可以在提问的时候提供更多的代码和上下文信息,这样我才能更好地帮助你解决问题。