时间: 2024-02-11 15:09:34 浏览: 239
tuple_string 是一个字符串,它表示一个元组。你可以使用 eval() 函数将 tuple_string 转换为元组,例如:
tuple_string = "(1, 'hello', True)"
my_tuple = eval(tuple_string)
这将输出:`(1, 'hello', True)`,它是一个包含三个元素的元组。请注意,使用 eval() 函数时需要确保 tuple_string 是一个有效的 Python 表达式,否则可能会引发异常。
format_string % tuple_of_values
`format_string % tuple_of_values` 是Python中的一种旧式字符串格式化方法,它的工作原理是在字符串 `format_string` 中指定位置的地方插入变量的值。`%` 后面跟的是一个格式指示符列表,每个指示符对应 `tuple_of_values` 中的一个元素,按顺序匹配。
name = "Alice"
age = 25
format_str = "My name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age)
# 输出: My name is Alice and I am 25 years old.
这里的 `{}` 就是一个占位符,当调用 `format()` 函数并传入 `(name, age)` 作为参数时,会替换掉占位符的位置,得到最终的字符串。
不过,在Python 3.6及以后版本中,推荐使用更简洁易读的 f-string(formatted string literals),例如:
name = "Bob"
age = 30
print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.")
# 输出: My name is Bob and I am 30 years old.
Copy the following code and paste it to the file: list_example = ["Welcome ", "to ", "Fudan", " Python"] Define a tuple named tuple_example which contains the same elements as list_example . Print out the length of tuple_example , what built-in function will you use to get its length? Concatenate all the elements in tuple_example into one string sentence and print it out. We can change the elements in list_example by list_example[3]=" 285" . Can we do the same thing to tuple_example ? Try it out by yourself.
Here is the updated code with the requested modifications:
list_example = ["Welcome", "to", "Fudan", "Python"]
# Define a tuple named tuple_example with the same elements as list_example
tuple_example = tuple(list_example)
# Print the length of tuple_example using the built-in function len()
print("Length of tuple_example:", len(tuple_example))
# Concatenate all elements in tuple_example into one string sentence
sentence = " ".join(tuple_example)
print("Concatenated sentence:", sentence)
# Try to change an element in tuple_example (it should raise an error)
tuple_example[3] = "285"
except TypeError:
print("Cannot modify elements in a tuple.")
In Python, tuples are immutable, meaning you cannot change their elements after they are created. Therefore, when trying to change an element in `tuple_example` using `tuple_example[3] = "285"`, a `TypeError` will be raised.