时间: 2023-10-28 13:29:28 浏览: 122
cv.threshold is a function in the OpenCV library used for image thresholding. Thresholding is a technique used to convert grayscale or color images into binary images, where pixels are either black or white based on certain criteria.
The cv.threshold function takes an input image and a threshold value as input and returns a binary image. The threshold value is used to determine which pixels in the input image will be classified as either black or white.
There are different types of thresholding techniques available in OpenCV, including:
1. Binary thresholding - this technique sets all pixels with intensity values above the threshold value to white and all pixels below the threshold value to black.
2. Adaptive thresholding - this technique is used when the threshold value varies across the image. In this technique, the threshold value is calculated based on the local pixel values in the image.
3. Otsu's thresholding - this is a technique used for automatic thresholding, where the threshold value is determined based on the histogram of the image.
The cv.threshold function can be used with any of these thresholding techniques. The function also allows for additional input parameters such as the maximum value used for thresholding and the type of thresholding used.