complete function list2table take the parameter s which is a string of HTML as input and return a string. list2table extracts the data from all ordered lists in s and converts each of them to a table.
时间: 2023-06-16 14:03:14 浏览: 192
Here is an implementation of the function:
import re
def list2table(s):
# Find all ordered lists in the input string
ol_regex = re.compile(r'<ol>(.*?)</ol>', re.DOTALL)
ol_matches = ol_regex.findall(s)
# Process each ordered list and convert it to a table
for ol_match in ol_matches:
# Find all list items in the ordered list
li_regex = re.compile(r'<li>(.*?)</li>', re.DOTALL)
li_matches = li_regex.findall(ol_match)
# Create the table header row
header_row = '<tr>'
for li_match in li_matches:
header_row += f'<th>{li_match}</th>'
header_row += '</tr>'
# Create the table data rows
data_rows = ''
for i in range(len(li_matches)):
data_row = '<tr>'
for li_match in li_matches:
# Find the ith item in the current list item
item_regex = re.compile(r'<li>(.*?)</li>', re.DOTALL)
item_match = item_regex.findall(li_match)[i]
data_row += f'<td>{item_match}</td>'
data_row += '</tr>'
data_rows += data_row
# Replace the ordered list with the table
table = f'<table>{header_row}{data_rows}</table>'
s = s.replace(ol_match, table)
return s
The `list2table` function uses regular expressions to extract the data from all ordered lists in the input string. It then creates a table for each ordered list by creating a header row from the list items and a data row for each item in each list item. Finally, it replaces each ordered list with its corresponding table in the output string.