Setting the parent of a transform which resides in a Prefab Asset is disabled to prevent data corruption (GameObject: 'Pic').
时间: 2024-09-10 10:22:20 浏览: 246
这句话的意思是在Unity中,当一个位于Prefab(预设)资产中的Transform(变换对象)试图设置其父级时,会默认禁用这一功能,这是因为直接操作Prefab中的transform设置父级可能会导致数据结构混乱(即"data corruption"),特别是对于那些被其他地方复用的Prefab来说。"Pic"在这句话中很可能是指某个特定的游戏对象。
GameObject prefabInstance = Instantiate(prefab, desiredPosition, desiredRotation);
Recent color transfer methods use local information to learn the transformation from a source to an exemplar image, and then transfer this appearance change to a target image. These solutions achieve very successful results for general mood changes, e.g., changing the appearance of an image from “sunny” to “overcast”. However, such methods have a hard time creating new image content, such as leaves on a bare tree. Texture transfer, on the other hand, can synthesize such content but tends to destroy image structure. We propose the first algorithm that unifies color and texture transfer, outperforming both by leveraging their respective strengths. A key novelty in our approach resides in teasing apart appearance changes that can be modeled simply as changes in color versus those that require new image content to be generated. Our method starts with an analysis phase which evaluates the success of color transfer by comparing the exemplar with the source. This analysis then drives a selective, iterative texture transfer algorithm that simultaneously predicts the success of color transfer on the target and synthesizes new content where needed. We demonstrate our unified algorithm by transferring large temporal changes between photographs, such as change of season – e.g., leaves on bare trees or piles of snow on a street – and flooding.翻译为中文
Consider defining a bean of type 'redis.RedisUtil' in your configuration.
To define a bean of type 'redis.RedisUtil' in your configuration, you can follow these steps:
1. Make sure you have the necessary dependencies added to your project. Typically, for Redis-related operations, you will need the 'spring-boot-starter-data-redis' dependency.
2. Create a RedisUtil class that provides the necessary operations and functionalities related to Redis. This class should have methods for connecting to Redis, performing CRUD operations, and any other Redis-specific operations you require.
3. Annotate the RedisUtil class with the '@Component' annotation to make it a Spring bean. This annotation tells Spring to manage the lifecycle of this class and make it available for autowiring.
4. In your application configuration class (usually annotated with '@SpringBootApplication'), use the '@ComponentScan' annotation to scan for the RedisUtil class. This ensures that Spring discovers the RedisUtil bean and makes it available for injection.
Here is an example:
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class RedisUtil {
// Your RedisUtil implementation here
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.yourpackage")
public class YourApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Make sure to replace "com.yourpackage" with the actual package where your RedisUtil class resides.
With these steps, you should be able to define a bean of type 'redis.RedisUtil' in your configuration.