This code utilizes the Baidu Speech Recognition API to convert audio speech into text. The process is as follows: 1. The `my_record()` function records audio using the PyAudio library and saves it as a WAV file. 2. The `get_audio()` function reads the audio file and returns its data. 3. The `speech2text()` function takes the speech data, API token, and dev_pid as input and sends a POST request to the Baidu API to convert the speech into text. 4. The result is returned and printed. The `shibie()` function combines all the above steps to record audio, convert it into text, and print the result. The identified text is then used to open a web browser with relevant search results. The code can be modified to include other audio files or speech recognition APIs if desired.
时间: 2024-04-20 15:22:54 浏览: 198
1. `my_record()` 函数使用 PyAudio 库录制音频并将其保存为 WAV 文件。
2. `get_audio()` 函数读取音频文件并返回其数据。
3. `speech2text()` 函数接收语音数据、API 令牌和 dev_pid 作为输入,并向百度 API 发送 POST 请求将语音转换为文本。
4. 返回结果并打印出来。
`shibie()` 函数将上述所有步骤组合在一起,录制音频,将其转换为文本,并打印结果。然后使用识别的文本打开一个带有相关搜索结果的网页浏览器。
This package utilizes poetry to maintain its dependencies and pytest to execute tests. To get started running the tests:
1. **安装所需的工具**:首先确保你的环境中已经安装了Poetry和pytest。如果没有,你可以分别通过命令行运行:
pip install poetry pytest
2. **初始化项目结构**:进入你的项目目录,运行 `poetry init` 来创建一个Poetry项目,并按照提示完成项目描述和其他配置。
3. **添加依赖**:在`pyproject.toml`文件中或通过命令行指定pytest作为测试依赖项,如:
pytest = "^6.2"
4. **激活虚拟环境**:运行 `poetry shell` 或者 `poetry run` 命令前加上`python -m venv .venv` (如果尚未创建),以激活虚拟环境。
5. **运行测试**:最后,可以直接在终端输入 `pytest` 命令来执行测试用例,Poetry会在环境中自动加载pytest并执行相关的测试文件。
BR/EDR Legacy Pairing utilizes the E21 or E22 algorithms based on SAFER+. Device authentication is based on the E1 algorithm, which is also based on SAFER+. Encryption utilizes the E0 algorithm derived from the MasseyRueppel algorithm. There is no provision for cryptographic message integrity. While the CRC provides some integrity protection, it is not considered to provide cryptographic integrity as it can be easily forged.
BR/EDR Legacy Pairing使用基于SAFER+的E21或E22算法。设备认证基于E1算法,也是基于SAFER+的。加密使用从MasseyRueppel算法中派生的E0算法。没有提供加密消息完整性的规定。虽然CRC提供了一定的完整性保护,但它不被认为能提供加密完整性,因为它很容易被伪造。