../UserLib/SonserLib/Src/IMU963RA.c(26): note: expanded from macro 'GET_IMU963RA_SDA'
时间: 2023-12-13 17:03:10 浏览: 448
这个错误提示是由于宏展开导致的。在文件 "IMU963RA.c" 的第 26 行,宏 "GET_IMU963RA_SDA" 被展开,而展开后的代码有一些问题。根据提示,你可以检查一下 "IMU963RA.c" 文件中的宏定义,特别是 "GET_IMU963RA_SDA" 这个宏的展开代码部分,看看是否存在语法错误或其他问题。
User : In member function ‘virtual bool IMUFactor::Evaluate(const double* const*, double*, double**) const’: /home/yang/vins-mono-catkin_ws/src/vins-mono-master/vins_estimator/src/utility/../initial/../factor/imu_factor.h:93:18: error: ‘imu_file’ was not
C知道: 这个错误提示表明在函数“IMUFactor::Evaluate(const double* const*, double*, double**)”中使用的变量“imu_file”未定义。要解决这个错误,你需要确保在函数的上下文中正确定义和初始化“imu_file”变量。请检查你的代码,确保在使用该变量之前已经正确定义并赋值。
读取#@brief: gerneral config parameters general: use_ros: true #@type: bool @detail: flag to control using ROS functions or not # if ture, you can send or receive messages through ROS (different messages need to be config in their own yaml file separatedly) use_proto: true #@type: bool @detail: flag to control using Proto functions or not # if ture, you can send or receive sensor: #@brief: config file for Imu message imu: include: ../sensor_config/other_sensors/rs_imu.yaml #@brief: config file for Gnss message gnss: include: ../sensor_config/other_sensors/rs_gnss.yaml #@brief: config file for Odom message odom: include: ../sensor_config/other_sensors/rs_odom.yaml #@brief: config file for Lidar message lidar: include: ../sensor_config/lidar/rs_lidar.yaml #@brief: config file for Lidar message camera: include: ../sensor_config/other_sensors/rs_camera.yaml #@brief: config file for Radar message radar: include: ../sensor_config/other_sensors/rs_radar.yaml
#include <iostream>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
void readConfig(const YAML::Node& config) {
if (config["general"]) {
// 读取general字段的值
YAML::Node general = config["general"];
if (general["use_ros"]) {
bool useRos = general["use_ros"].as<bool>();
std::cout << "use_ros: " << std::boolalpha << useRos << std::endl;
if (general["use_proto"]) {
bool useProto = general["use_proto"].as<bool>();
std::cout << "use_proto: " << std::boolalpha << useProto << std::endl;
if (config["sensor"]) {
// 读取sensor字段的值
YAML::Node sensor = config["sensor"];
if (sensor["imu"]) {
std::string imuInclude = sensor["imu"]["include"].as<std::string>();
std::cout << "imu include: " << imuInclude << std::endl;
if (sensor["gnss"]) {
std::string gnssInclude = sensor["gnss"]["include"].as<std::string>();
std::cout << "gnss include: " << gnssInclude << std::endl;
if (sensor["odom"]) {
std::string odomInclude = sensor["odom"]["include"].as<std::string>();
std::cout << "odom include: " << odomInclude << std::endl;
if (sensor["lidar"]) {
std::string lidarInclude = sensor["lidar"]["include"].as<std::string>();
std::cout << "lidar include: " << lidarInclude << std::endl;
if (sensor["camera"]) {
std::string cameraInclude = sensor["camera"]["include"].as<std::string>();
std::cout << "camera include: " << cameraInclude << std::endl;
if (sensor["radar"]) {
std::string radarInclude = sensor["radar"]["include"].as<std::string>();
std::cout << "radar include: " << radarInclude << std::endl;
int main() {
// 加载YAML文件
YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile("config.yaml");
// 读取配置
return 0;