时间: 2024-12-26 09:24:51 浏览: 12
### 使用回溯法实现最优装载问题
#### 问题定义
最优装载问题是关于如何合理分配一组集装箱到两艘具有不同载重量的轮船上,使得所有集装箱都能被装载,并且满足每艘船的最大承载能力。具体来说,给定n个集装箱以及它们各自的重量\( w_i \),还有两艘分别能承受最大重量为 \( c_1 \) 和 \( c_2 \) 的轮船,在总重量不超过两者之和的前提下,尝试找到一种方法来安排这些货物。
#### 解决方案概述
#### 实现细节
def backtrack(index, current_weight_ship1, remaining_capacity_ship2):
global best_solution
# 如果所有的物品都已经处理完毕 或者 当前组合超过了第一个货舱的最大承重
if index >= n or current_weight_ship1 > capacity_ship1:
# 尝试将index位置处的item加入ship1
if (current_weight_ship1 + weights[index]) <= capacity_ship1:
temp = list(assignment)
temp[index] = True
# 更新最佳解
if sum([weights[i] for i in range(n) if assignment[i]]) + \
sum([weights[j] for j in range(n) if not assignment[j]]) == total_weight and\
all(x<=y for x,y in zip((sum(weights[k]*temp[k] for k in range(len(temp))),
sum(weights[l]*(not temp[l]) for l in range(len(temp)))),
best_solution = tuple(temp)
# 继续递归调用函数去加载下一个item
backtrack(index + 1, current_weight_ship1 + weights[index], remaining_capacity_ship2 - weights[index])
# 不把index位置处的item加入ship1而是留给ship2的情况
temp = list(assignment)
temp[index] = False
backtrack(index + 1, current_weight_ship1, remaining_capacity_ship2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from random import randint
# 初始化参数
n = 5 # 物品数量
capacity_ship1 = 8 # 船只1的最大承重
capacity_ship2 = 7 # 船只2的最大承重
weights = [randint(1, min(capacity_ship1, capacity_ship2)) for _ in range(n)] # 各自随机生成一些合理的重量值
total_weight = sum(weights)
print(f"Weights of items are {weights}")
# 开始执行算法之前做一些必要的初始化工作
assignment = [False] * n # 记录哪些项目应该放在哪条船上,默认全部放第二条船上
best_solution = None
# 执行backtrack()函数来进行搜索操作
backtrack(0, 0, capacity_ship2)
if best_solution is not None:
assigned_to_first_ship = [i+1 for i,x in enumerate(best_solution) if x==True]
print(f"The optimal solution assigns these item indices to ship one:{assigned_to_first_ship}.")
print("No feasible solutions found.")