error: (-215:Assertion failed) src.type() == CV_8UC1 in function 'cv::adaptiveThreshold'
时间: 2023-10-10 13:14:45 浏览: 344
这个错误是在函数'cv::adaptiveThreshold'中发生的。错误信息是'error: (-215:Assertion failed) src.type() == CV_8UC1',它意味着输入图像的类型不是CV_8UC1,即输入图像不是单通道的8位无符号整数图像。这个错误可能是由于你传入了错误的图像类型或通道数引起的。
OpenCV(4.5.4) ./modules/imgproc/src/morph.dispatch.cpp:1022: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !src.empty() in function 'dilate'
OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)是一个开源的计算机视觉库,供了丰富的图像处理和计算机视觉算法。它可以用于处理图像和视频数据,包括图像滤波、边缘检测、特征提取、目标检测、图像分割等任务。
根据你提供的错误信息,这是一个关于dilate函数的错误。该错误信息中的assertion failed表示断言失败,即输入的图像为空。在OpenCV中,dilate函数用于图像膨胀操作,但是在这个错误中,输入图像为空,导致断言失败。
(-215:Assertion failed) count >= 0 && (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_32S) in function 'cv::arcLength'什么意思
This error message indicates that an assertion in the code has failed, and the count variable has a negative value. This could be caused by a bug in the code, such as an incorrect calculation, or an unexpected input value. To fix the issue, you should review the code and debug the problem to identify the root cause of the negative count value. Some common techniques for debugging include adding print statements to trace the flow of the program and using a debugger to step through the code.