import jieba def senti(text, poss, negs): pos_num = 0 neg_num = 0 words = jieba.lcut(text) for i in range(len(words)): word = words[i] if word in poss: weight = 1 if i > 0 and words[i-1] in degree: weight *= degree[words[i-1]] pos_num += weight elif word in negs: weight = 1 if i > 0 and words[i-1] in degree: weight *= degree[words[i-1]] neg_num += weight return {"pos": pos_num, "neg": neg_num} poss = ['涨', '增加', '升'] negs = ['跌', '下降', '减少'] degree = {'很': 2, '非常': 3, '极其': 4} file = 'data/txts/联美控股2017.txt' text = open(file, encoding='gbk').read() result = senti(text, poss, negs) print(result)解释一下这段代码
时间: 2024-03-29 12:37:01 浏览: 44
优化import jieba def senti(text): pos_num = 0 neg_num = 0 words = jieba.lcut(text) for word in words: if word in poss: pos_num = pos_num + 1 if word in negs: neg_num = neg_num + 1 return {"pos": pos_num, "neg": neg_num} file = 'data/txts/联美控股2017.txt' text = open(file, encoding='gbk').read() senti(text)
这段代码使用了 jieba 库进行中文分词,并对文本进行情感分析。如果要对代码进行优化,可以考虑以下几点:
1. 将 jieba 库的导入语句放在函数外部,避免在每次调用函数时都重复导入该库。
2. 为了提高代码的效率,可以将情感词典 poss 和 negs 转换成 set 类型,这样可以更快地进行查找操作。
3. 可以使用 Python 的 Counter 类来统计每个情感词在文本中出现的次数,避免手动计数。
import jieba
from collections import Counter
# 导入情感词典
with open('data/pos.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
poss = set(
with open('data/neg.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
negs = set(
# 定义情感分析函数
def senti(text):
pos_num = 0
neg_num = 0
words = jieba.lcut(text)
counter = Counter(words)
for word in counter:
if word in poss:
pos_num += counter[word]
if word in negs:
neg_num += counter[word]
return {"pos": pos_num, "neg": neg_num}
# 读取文本文件并进行情感分析
file = 'data/txts/联美控股2017.txt'
text = open(file, encoding='gbk').read()
针对这段代码的自定义函数进行优化import jieba #使用 Python 的 Counter 类来统计每个情感词在文本中出现的次数,避免手动计数。 from collections import Counter #将情感词典 poss 和 negs 转换成 set 类型,这样可以更快地进行查找操作,提高代码的效率。 with open('data/dict/positive.txt', encoding='gbk') as f: poss = set( with open('data/dict/negative.txt', encoding='gbk') as f: negs = set( def senti(text): pos_num = 0 neg_num = 0 words = jieba.lcut(text) counter = Counter(words) for word in counter: if word in poss: pos_num += counter[word] if word in negs: neg_num += counter[word] return {"pos": pos_num, "neg": neg_num} file = 'data/txts/联美控股2017.txt' text = open(file, encoding='gbk').read() senti(text)
1. 使用Python的Counter类来统计每个情感词在文本中出现的次数,避免了手动计数的操作,提高了代码的效率。
2. 将情感词典poss和negs转换成set类型,这样可以更快地进行查找操作,也提高了代码的效率。
3. 原始代码中使用了一个degree变量来存储程度副词及其对应的权重值,但这个变量并没有在代码中使用到。因此,在优化后的代码中去掉了这个变量。