时间: 2023-10-21 13:06:05 浏览: 123
As an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific code or data you are working with, so I cannot provide you with an exact answer. However, in general, the attribute `feature_importances_` is not available for Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers in Scikit-learn because SVMs do not inherently provide a feature importance metric. This attribute is only available for certain tree-based models, such as Random Forest and Decision Trees.
If you are interested in obtaining feature importances for an SVM, one approach is to use a permutation-based feature importance method. This involves randomly permuting the values of each feature and measuring the decrease in model performance. The features with the largest decrease in performance after permutation are considered to be the most important.
Another approach is to use a linear SVM and look at the coefficients of the linear function learned by the model. The magnitude of the coefficients can be used as a proxy for the importance of the corresponding feature. However, this approach assumes that the relationship between the features and the target variable is linear, which may not be the case in practice.