时间: 2024-09-30 08:12:53 浏览: 24
当你在Pandas DataFrame上调用`apply()`方法时,它会根据提供的函数对DataFrame的每一行或每一列进行操作,并将结果应用于该行或列。对于`df_p_value[column].apply()`这样的情况,它通常不会直接改变原始DataFrame `df_p_value`本身,而是返回一个新的Series或DataFrame,取决于你是否设置了`axis=0`(默认值,沿列应用)或`axis=1`(沿行应用)。
如果你希望保持原始DataFrame不变并直接替换列的值,可以使用`.loc`、`.at`或者`.iat`等属性进行原子赋值,如`df_p_value.loc[:, column] = df_p_value[column].apply(...)`。这样就会直接修改`column`对应的行值。
new_column = df_p_value[column].apply(...)
df_p_value['new_column'] = new_column
The `groupby` method in pandas is used to split the data into groups based on one or more criteria, and then apply a function to each group separately.
For example, if you have a DataFrame `df` with columns 'A', 'B', and 'C', you could use `groupby` to group the data by the values in column 'A' and then apply a function to each group of rows.
Here is an example of how to use `groupby` to group a DataFrame `plot_df` by the values in the 'Year' column and then calculate the mean value of the 'Value' column for each group:
grouped_df = plot_df.groupby('Year')['Value'].mean()
This will create a new DataFrame `grouped_df` that contains the mean value of the 'Value' column for each unique value in the 'Year' column.
You can also group by multiple columns by passing a list of column names to the `groupby` method:
grouped_df = plot_df.groupby(['Year', 'Month'])['Value'].mean()
This will group the data by the values in both the 'Year' and 'Month' columns and calculate the mean value of the 'Value' column for each group.
def zipjie(): import os import pandas as pd # 指定要合并的文件夹路径 folder_path = r"E:\aaaa\aaaa" fields_to_write = ['aaaa', 'aaaa'] # 获取文件夹中所有的 xlsx 文件路径 xlsx_files = [os.path.join(folder_path, f) for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith('.xlsx')] # 创建一个空的 DataFrame 用于存储合并后的数据 merged_data = pd.DataFrame() # 循环读取每个 xlsx 文件,将它们合并到 merged_data 中 for xlsx_file in xlsx_files: # 使用 pandas 读取 xlsx 文件 df = pd.read_excel(xlsx_file) # 将读取到的数据追加到 merged_data 中 merged_data = merged_data.append(df, ignore_index=True) # 在 merged_data 中添加新的一列数据 merged_data['new_column'] = 'new_value' # 将合并后的数据写入到新的 xlsx 文件中 merged_data[fields_to_write + ['new_column']].to_excel(r"E:\aaaa\aaaa\merged_file.xlsx", index=False)优化下这个代码,存在非法字符或者表情的数据,要进行过滤
import os
import pandas as pd
import re
def zipjie():
folder_path = r"E:\aaaa\aaaa"
fields_to_write = ['aaaa', 'aaaa']
# 获取文件夹中所有的 xlsx 文件路径
xlsx_files = [os.path.join(folder_path, f) for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith('.xlsx')]
# 创建一个空的 DataFrame 用于存储合并后的数据
merged_data = pd.DataFrame()
# 循环读取每个 xlsx 文件,将它们合并到 merged_data 中
for xlsx_file in xlsx_files:
# 使用 pandas 读取 xlsx 文件
df = pd.read_excel(xlsx_file)
# 过滤掉包含非法字符或表情的行
df = df[~df['column_name'].apply(lambda x: bool(re.findall('[^\u4e00-\u9fa5a-zA-Z0-9\s]+', str(x))))]
merged_data = merged_data.append(df, ignore_index=True)
# 在 merged_data 中添加新的一列数据
merged_data['new_column'] = 'new_value'
# 将合并后的数据写入到新的 xlsx 文件中
merged_data[fields_to_write + ['new_column']].to_excel(r"E:\aaaa\aaaa\merged_file.xlsx", index=False)