二维矩形装箱问题 python
时间: 2024-04-17 22:22:28 浏览: 272
class Rectangle:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
def pack_rectangles(rectangles, container_width, container_height):
container = [[0, 0, container_width, container_height]] # 初始容器
packed_rectangles = []
for rectangle in rectangles:
best_index = -1
best_fit = float('inf')
for i, (x, y, width, height) in enumerate(container):
if rectangle.width <= width and rectangle.height <= height:
fit = max(width - rectangle.width, height - rectangle.height)
if fit < best_fit:
best_fit = fit
best_index = i
if best_index == -1:
# 创建新的容器
container.append([0, 0, container_width, container_height])
best_index = len(container) - 1
x, y, width, height = container[best_index]
packed_rectangles.append((rectangle, x, y))
# 更新容器
if rectangle.width == width and rectangle.height == height:
del container[best_index]
elif rectangle.width == width:
container[best_index] = [x, y + rectangle.height, width, height - rectangle.height]
elif rectangle.height == height:
container[best_index] = [x + rectangle.width, y, width - rectangle.width, height]
container.append([x + rectangle.width, y, width - rectangle.width, rectangle.height])
container[best_index] = [x, y + rectangle.height, width, height - rectangle.height]
return packed_rectangles
# 示例用法
rectangles = [Rectangle(4, 5), Rectangle(3, 6), Rectangle(2, 7), Rectangle(3, 4)]
container_width = 10
container_height = 10
packed_rectangles = pack_rectangles(rectangles, container_width, container_height)
for rectangle, x, y in packed_rectangles:
print(f"Rectangle ({rectangle.width}, {rectangle.height}) is placed at ({x}, {y})")