the master mcu how to realize MPQ70331 window watchdog WDI function
时间: 2024-02-16 09:42:42 浏览: 114
To realize the WDI function of the MPQ70331 window watchdog on the master MCU, follow these steps:
1. Configure the GPIO pin on the master MCU that will be used to drive the WDI input of the MPQ70331.
2. Set the GPIO pin to output mode.
3. Initialize the GPIO pin to a logic high state.
4. Configure the MPQ70331 window watchdog timer according to your application requirements. This includes setting the window size and timeout period.
5. Start the MPQ70331 window watchdog timer.
6. In the main loop of your application, toggle the GPIO pin at a frequency that is faster than the watchdog timeout period. This will keep the MPQ70331 window watchdog reset.
7. If there is a fault or the master MCU hangs, the GPIO pin will stop toggling and the MPQ70331 window watchdog will expire. This will trigger a reset of the system.
By following these steps, you can realize the WDI function of the MPQ70331 window watchdog on the master MCU.