3) Suppose that one hotel only has an android charging interface, and now the customer only has an ios charger, which cannot be used directly. According to following code, try to: (1) What kind of design pattern can be used to solve the compatibility problem? (2) Draw the corresponding class diagram of the code.
时间: 2024-03-17 20:47:22 浏览: 88
1) The adapter design pattern can be used to solve the compatibility problem.
2) Here is the corresponding class diagram:
+----------------------+ +----------------------+ +-----------------------+
| IOSCharger | | AndroidInterface | | AndroidChargerAdapter |
+----------------------+ +----------------------+ +-----------------------+
| | | | | |
| +chargeWithIOS() | | +chargeWithAndroid() | | +chargeWithIOS() |
| | | | | |
+----------------------+ +----------------------+ +-----------------------+
In this diagram, `IOSCharger` and `AndroidInterface` are two existing classes that are incompatible with each other. The `AndroidChargerAdapter` class acts as an adapter that bridges the gap between the two incompatible classes. It implements the `AndroidInterface` interface and adapts it to work with the `IOSCharger` class by defining a `chargeWithIOS()` method.