请用中文回答以下题目: Consider the stochastic process Xt = Xo + cos (2nt+0), t E (-0∞,0∞), where X , has an exponential distribution with parameter 1 and Θ has a uniform distribution in the interval [0,2π]. Suppose Xo and Θ are independent . Find the mean function μ x ( t ), the autocorrelation function Rx ( s , t ) and the variance function o3( t ).
时间: 2023-12-08 11:05:44 浏览: 106
考虑随机过程Xt = Xo + cos(2nt+Θ),其中Xo ~ Exp(1),Θ在区间[0,2π]上服从均匀分布,且Xo和Θ相互独立。请问该过程的均值函数μx(t),自相关函数Rx(s,t)和方差函数σ^2x(t)分别是多少?
- 均值函数μx(t) = E(Xt) = E(Xo + cos(2nt+Θ)) = E(Xo) + E(cos(2nt+Θ)) = 1 + E(cos(2nt+Θ))。由于Θ在区间[0,2π]上服从均匀分布,因此E(cos(2nt+Θ)) = 0,所以μx(t) = 1。
- 自相关函数Rx(s,t) = E(XsXt) - μx(s)μx(t)。由于Xo和Θ相互独立,因此有:
E(XsXt) = E[(Xo+cos(2ns+Θ))(Xo+cos(2nt+Θ))]
= E(Xo^2) + E(Xo)cos(2ns-2nt) + E(cos(2ns+Θ)cos(2nt+Θ))
= 2 + cos(2ns-2nt) + E(cos(2ns-2nt+2Θ))
由于Θ在区间[0,2π]上服从均匀分布,因此E(cos(2ns-2nt+2Θ)) = 0,所以有:
Rx(s,t) = E(XsXt) - μx(s)μx(t) = 2 + cos(2ns-2nt) - 1 = cos(2ns-2nt) + 1
- 方差函数σ^2x(t) = Var(Xt) = Var(Xo + cos(2nt+Θ)) = Var(Xo) + Var(cos(2nt+Θ)) = 1 + Var(cos(2nt+Θ))。由于cos(2nt+Θ)服从[-1,1]上的均匀分布,因此Var(cos(2nt+Θ)) = 1/3,所以σ^2x(t) = 4/3。
因此,该随机过程的均值函数、自相关函数和方差函数分别为:μx(t) = 1,Rx(s,t) = cos(2ns-2nt) + 1,σ^2x(t) = 4/3。希望对您有所帮助。