def __repr__(self): 解释
时间: 2023-11-06 12:40:00 浏览: 86
__repr__是Python中的一个特殊方法,用于定义对象的字符串表示形式。当对象被传递给repr()函数时,该方法将被调用,它应该返回一个字符串,该字符串包含一个Python表达式,用于创建该对象的副本。如果没有实现__repr__方法,则默认返回<ClassName object at memory_location>。
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age
def __repr__(self):
return f'Person(name={}, age={self.age})'
Person(name='John', age=30)
class Dog6: def __init__(self, initial_name): self._name = initial_name def get_self(self): return self def __str__(self): # # Implement this! # return __ def __repr__(self): return "<Dog named '" + self._name + "'>" def test_inside_a_method_self_refers_to_the_containing_object(self): fido = self.Dog6("Fido") self.assertEqual(__, fido.get_self()) # Not a string! def test_str_provides_a_string_version_of_the_object(self): fido = self.Dog6("Fido") self.assertEqual("Fido", str(fido)) def test_str_is_used_explicitly_in_string_interpolation(self): fido = self.Dog6("Fido") self.assertEqual(__, "My dog is " + str(fido)) def test_repr_provides_a_more_complete_string_version(self): fido = self.Dog6("Fido") self.assertEqual(__, repr(fido)) def test_all_objects_support_str_and_repr(self): seq = [1, 2, 3] self.assertEqual(__, str(seq)) self.assertEqual(__, repr(seq)) self.assertEqual(__, str("STRING")) self.assertEqual(__, repr("STRING"))
Here is the completed code with the missing parts:
class Dog6:
def __init__(self, initial_name):
self._name = initial_name
def get_self(self):
return self
def __str__(self):
return self._name
def __repr__(self):
return "<Dog named '" + self._name + "'>"
def test_inside_a_method_self_refers_to_the_containing_object(self):
fido = Dog6("Fido")
self.assertEqual(fido, fido.get_self()) # Not a string!
def test_str_provides_a_string_version_of_the_object(self):
fido = Dog6("Fido")
self.assertEqual("Fido", str(fido))
def test_str_is_used_explicitly_in_string_interpolation(self):
fido = Dog6("Fido")
self.assertEqual("My dog is Fido", "My dog is " + str(fido))
def test_repr_provides_a_more_complete_string_version(self):
fido = Dog6("Fido")
self.assertEqual("<Dog named 'Fido'>", repr(fido))
def test_all_objects_support_str_and_repr(self):
seq = [1, 2, 3]
self.assertEqual("[1, 2, 3]", str(seq))
self.assertEqual("[1, 2, 3]", repr(seq))
self.assertEqual("STRING", str("STRING"))
self.assertEqual("'STRING'", repr("STRING"))
Note that in `test_str_is_used_explicitly_in_string_interpolation`, the expected output is `"My dog is Fido"` instead of `"My dog is <Dog named 'Fido'>"` because the `+` operator implicitly calls `str` on the object being concatenated.
class Ver: def __init__(self,lst): self.lst=[0,0,0] if isinstance(lst,list): self.lst[:]=lst[:] def __mul__(self,V2): pass def __imul__(self, val): pass def __repr__(self): return "Vec:"=str(self.lst) def __str__(self): return "Vec:"+str(self.lst)补充__mul__和__imul__方法的定义。当执行如下语句时,程序能正确的输出结 果:
根据你提供的代码,我已经补充了 `__mul__` 和 `__imul__` 方法的定义。以下是完整的代码:
class Vec:
def __init__(self, lst):
self.lst = [0, 0, 0]
if isinstance(lst, list):
self.lst[:] = lst[:]
def __mul__(self, V2):
if isinstance(V2, Vec):
if len(self.lst) != len(V2.lst):
raise ValueError("Vectors must have the same length")
result = Vec([])
for i in range(len(self.lst)):
result.lst[i] = self.lst[i] * V2.lst[i]
return result
raise TypeError("Unsupported operand type")
def __imul__(self, val):
if isinstance(val, (int, float)):
for i in range(len(self.lst)):
self.lst[i] *= val
return self
raise TypeError("Unsupported operand type")
def __repr__(self):
return "Vec:" + str(self.lst)
def __str__(self):
return "Vec:" + str(self.lst)
# 示例用法
v1 = Vec([1, 2, 3])
v2 = Vec([2, 3, 4])
# 向量相乘
v3 = v1 * v2
print(v3) # 输出: Vec:[2, 6, 12]
# 向量缩放
v1 *= 2
print(v1) # 输出: Vec:[2, 4, 6]
在这个示例中,`__mul__` 方法重载了 `*` 运算符,用于实现向量的逐元素相乘。如果操作数是 Vec 类型的向量,则返回一个新的 Vec 对象,其元素为两个向量对应位置的乘积。
`__imul__` 方法重载了 `*=` 运算符,用于实现向量缩放。如果操作数是数字类型,则将原向量的每个分量与该数字相乘,并在原地更新原向量。