时间: 2023-05-29 08:03:17 浏览: 283
1. position属性:控制游戏对象在场景中的位置。它是一个三维向量,代表游戏对象在x、y和z轴上的位置。
2. rotation属性:控制游戏对象的旋转。它是一个四元数(Quaternion),代表游戏对象在x、y和z轴上的旋转角度。
3. scale属性:控制游戏对象的缩放。它是一个三维向量,代表游戏对象在x、y和z轴上的缩放比例。
unity transform
The Unity Transform component is responsible for storing and manipulating an object's position, rotation, and scale. It is a fundamental component that every game object in Unity has.
The Transform component has three main properties:
1. Position: This determines the object's location in the game world. The position is represented by a Vector3, which has three values (x, y, z) that define the object's position in 3D space.
2. Rotation: This determines the object's orientation in the game world. The rotation is represented by a Quaternion, which has four values (x, y, z, w) that define the object's rotation in 3D space.
3. Scale: This determines the object's size in the game world. The scale is represented by a Vector3, which has three values (x, y, z) that define the object's dimensions in 3D space.
The Transform component also has methods that allow for manipulation of these properties, such as Translate(), Rotate(), and Scale().
Overall, the Transform component is essential for positioning and moving objects in Unity and is one of the most commonly used components in game development.
unity Transform Rotate
public void Rotate(Vector3 axis, float angle, Space relativeTo = Space.Self);
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 90f, Space.Self);