时间: 2023-10-28 17:23:48 浏览: 144
STM32F407是一款由STMicroelectronics开发的32位ARM Cortex-M4微控制器。它具有丰富的外设和强大的处理能力,适用于各种应用场景。其中,滴答定时器(SysTick)是STM32F407内置的一个定时器,用于系统时基的生成和延时操作。
1. 生成系统时基:可以通过配置滴答定时器的时钟源和计数值,实现系统定时中断的触发。这样可以方便地实现一些周期性任务的处理,如任务调度、时间戳记录等。
2. 延时操作:通过滴答定时器,可以实现精确的延时操作。可以根据需要配置定时器的计数值,并通过轮询或中断方式进行延时。
1. 配置时钟源和计数值:可以选择使用内部时钟源(HCLK)或外部时钟源(HSE/HSI等),并设置计数值。
2. 启动定时器:使能滴答定时器,并开启中断(如果需要)。
3. 编写中断服务程序(如果需要):根据需要,在中断服务程序中处理定时器中断触发的任务。
4. 使用系统时基:可以根据自己的需要,在代码中使用系统时基进行周期性任务的处理,或者使用滴答定时器进行延时操作。
stm32f407滴答定时器 ms
### STM32F407 SysTick Timer Millisecond Delay Implementation
In the context of configuring a system with an emphasis on debugging tools and optimization settings, it is important to understand how to implement precise delays using the SysTick timer within the STM32F407 microcontroller. The configuration starts by setting up the main clock frequency at 128 MHz[^1]. This setup ensures that timing-sensitive operations can be accurately controlled.
The SysTick timer provides a simple way to create millisecond-level delays which are often necessary for various applications such as LED blinking or periodic tasks execution. Below demonstrates initializing the SysTick timer for generating accurate millisecond delays:
#### Initializing SysTick Timer
To initialize the SysTick timer properly, one must configure its reload value based on the core clock speed (HCLK), ensuring each tick represents exactly 1 ms. Given HCLK runs at 128 MHz after initialization, calculations need adjustment accordingly when determining appropriate values for `SysTick_Config`.
#include "stm32f4xx.h"
void systick_init(void){
if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)){ // Assuming SystemCoreClock equals HCLK set to 128MHz.
while (1); // If configuration fails: stay here forever.
This function configures the SysTick timer so that interrupts occur every millisecond. It uses `SystemCoreClock`, defined elsewhere in startup files typically provided by STMicroelectronics HAL libraries or CMSIS headers, representing the current CPU clock rate post-initialization processes including PLL configurations mentioned earlier.
#### Implementing Delays Using SysTick Handler
Once configured correctly, implementing delays becomes straightforward through handling interrupt requests generated periodically from this hardware peripheral. Here’s how to achieve non-blocking delays without halting program flow entirely during wait periods:
volatile uint32_t msTicks = 0;
void SysTick_Handler(void){
void delay_ms(uint32_t nms){
uint32_t cur_ticks = msTicks;
uint32_t target_tick = cur_ticks + nms;
while(msTicks < target_tick);
Here, `delay_ms` waits until enough ticks have passed since calling time equating desired milliseconds count. Interrupt service routine increments global variable `msTicks` upon each occurrence thus allowing tracking elapsed real-time easily outside ISRs too.
--related questions--
1. How does changing the code optimization level affect performance?
2. What alternatives exist besides ITM for tracing debug information over UART interfaces?
3. Can you explain more about configuring other peripherals like ADC alongside SysTick timers?
4. Is there any impact of different power modes on SysTick functionality?
正点原子stm32f407 滴答定时器延时
### 实现 STM32F407 滴答定时器延时功能
对于 STM32F407 的滴答定时器 (SysTick Timer),可以利用其特性来创建精确的延迟函数。以下是具体实现方法:
#### 使用 SysTick 定时器初始化
为了设置 SysTick 计数频率,通常会配置它以每毫秒中断一次的方式工作。
#include "stm32f4xx.h"
// 初始化 SysTick 用于产生周期性的中断
void systick_init(void){
if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)){ // 配置为每 ms 中断一次
while (1); // 如果配置失败,则进入死循环
上述代码通过 `SystemCoreClock` 获取当前系统核心时钟速度,并将其除以 1000 来获得每毫秒触发一次的时间间隔[^3]。
#### 创建延时函数
基于已经设定好的 SysTick 中断机制,下面定义两个简单的阻塞型延时函数——`delay_ms()` 和 `delay_us()`.
volatile uint32_t ticks;
// 更新全局变量 'ticks' 的值
void SysTick_Handler(void){
// 延迟指定数量的毫秒
void delay_ms(uint32_t nms){
uint32_t cur_tick = ticks;
while((ticks - cur_tick) < nms);
// 微秒级延迟(假设 SystemCoreClock 是固定的)
void delay_us(uint32_t us){
__IO uint32_t temp;
do {
asm volatile ("nop");
temp = us * (SystemCoreClock / 1000000UL) >> 16;
}while(temp-- != 0);
#### 主要注意事项
- 当调用这些延时函数期间,其他任务会被挂起直到所需等待的时间结束;
- 对于更复杂的实时操作系统环境下的应用开发,建议采用 RTOS 提供的标准 API 函数来进行调度管理而不是直接操作裸机上的 Systick.