js cesium地图里怎么判断多个点在一个cesium地图矩形的里面
时间: 2024-10-23 10:06:32 浏览: 71
1. **创建矩形边界**[^1]:
const west = yourWestLongitude; // 西经坐标
const south = yourSouthLatitude; // 南纬坐标
const east = yourEastLongitude; // 东经坐标
const north = yourNorthLatitude; // 北纬坐标
const rectangle = new Cesium.BoundingRectangle(west, south, east, north);
2. **定义点的位置**:
const points = [
{ longitude: point1Longitude, latitude: point1Latitude },
{ longitude: point2Longitude, latitude: point2Latitude },
// 更多点...
3. **检查点是否在矩形内**:
points.forEach(point => {
if (rectangle.containsPoint(new Cesium.Cartesian3(point.longitude, point.latitude, 0))) {
console.log(`${point} is within the rectangle.`);
} else {
console.log(`${point} is outside the rectangle.`);