时间: 2024-10-19 20:08:36 浏览: 42
// 假设我们有一个简单的深度学习模型(如前馈神经网络)
model = {
weights: [], // 初始化权重列表
biases: [] // 初始化偏置列表
// 定义损失函数(比如均方误差)
loss_function(data, predictions) => float
// 梯度下降函数
update_weights(learning_rate, gradients) =>
for each weight in weights and bias in biases:
weight -= learning_rate * gradients[weight_index]
bias -= learning_rate * gradients[bias_index]
// 反向传播过程
for epoch in epochs:
# 正向传播
forward_propagation(model, data)
predictions = model.predictions
# 计算损失
loss = loss_function(predictions, targets)
# 反向计算梯度
backward_propagation(model, predictions, targets)
# 获取梯度
gradients = get_gradients(model)
# 更新权重
update_weights(learning_rate, gradients)
// 函数辅助部分
forward_propagation(model, data) => None (返回预测结果)
backward_propagation(model, predictions, targets) => calculate_gradients(model, predictions, targets)
get_gradients(model) => compute the gradient of the loss with respect to model parameters