显示错误:NSAMP must be an integer greater than 1.

时间: 2024-03-26 12:35:07 浏览: 21
这个错误通常是由于调制函数的参数设置不正确导致的。NSAMP是指每个符号采样的点数,必须是大于1的整数。如果NSAMP小于2,就会出现这个错误。 你可以尝试修改调制函数的NSAMP参数,确保它是一个大于1的整数。例如,如果你想将每个符号采样100个点,可以将NSAMP设置为100,如下所示: ```matlab txSig = fskmod(msg, M, fc, nsamp, fs); ``` 如果你已经将NSAMP设置为大于1的整数,但仍然出现这个错误,可能是由于其他参数设置不正确导致的。你可以检查调制函数的其他参数,比如调制阶数M、载波频率fc、采样率fs等是否合理。如果你仍然无法解决问题,请提供更多的代码和错误信息,以便我更好地帮助你。

use matlab to Given a positive integer 'n', the task is to find a prime number greater than or equal to 'n'. Example 1 If given 'n' is 10, then the closest prime number greater than 10 is 11 at a distance of 1. So 11 must be returned. Example 2 If the given 'n' is 17, then the closest prime number is itself at a distance of 0. So 17 must be returned. The returned prime number must be greater than or equal to 'n'.

Here is one way to solve the problem using MATLAB: ```matlab function prime = find_closest_prime(n) % Given a positive integer 'n', find the closest prime number greater than or equal to 'n' % Check if n itself is a prime number if isprime(n) prime = n; return end % Start checking for prime numbers starting from n and incrementing by 1 i = n; while true if isprime(i) prime = i; return end i = i + 1; end end ``` This function checks if the input `n` itself is a prime number using the `isprime` function provided by MATLAB. If it is, then it returns `n` itself as the closest prime number. Otherwise, it starts checking for prime numbers greater than `n` by incrementing `i` by 1 until it finds a prime number using the same `isprime` function. Once it finds a prime number, it returns it as the closest prime number greater than or equal to `n`.

Given a positive integer 'n', the task is to find a prime number greater than or equal to 'n'. Example 1 If given 'n' is 10, then the closest prime number greater than 10 is 11 at a distance of 1. So 11 must be returned. Example 2 If the given 'n' is 17, then the closest prime number is itself at a distance of 0. So 17 must be returned. The returned prime number must be greater than or equal to 'n'.

Here's a Python code that finds the closest prime number greater than or equal to n: ```python def is_prime(num): """ Returns True if the given number is prime, False otherwise. """ if num <= 1: return False for i in range(2, int(num ** 0.5) + 1): if num % i == 0: return False return True def find_closest_prime(n): """ Finds the closest prime number greater than or equal to n. """ if is_prime(n): return n else: i = n while True: if is_prime(i): return i i += 1 ``` The function `is_prime` checks if a given number is prime by checking if it is divisible by any number between 2 and the square root of the number. The function `find_closest_prime` first checks if n is already a prime number. If so, it returns n. Otherwise, it starts checking the next numbers (i.e., i = n+1, n+2, n+3, ...) until it finds a prime number, which it then returns.


用c++解决1160. Network Time limit: 1.0 second Memory limit: 64 MB Andrew is working as system administrator and is planning to establish a new network in his company. There will be N hubs in the company, they can be connected to each other using cables. Since each worker of the company must have access to the whole network, each hub must be accessible by cables from any other hub (with possibly some intermediate hubs). Since cables of different types are available and shorter ones are cheaper, it is necessary to make such a plan of hub connection, that the maximum length of a single cable is minimal. There is another problem - not each hub can be connected to any other one because of compatibility problems and building geometry limitations. Of course, Andrew will provide you all necessary information about possible hub connections. You are to help Andrew to find the way to connect hubs so that all above conditions are satisfied. Input The first line contains two integer: N - the number of hubs in the network (2 ≤ N ≤ 1000) and M — the number of possible hub connections (1 ≤ M ≤ 15000). All hubs are numbered from 1 to N. The following M lines contain information about possible connections - the numbers of two hubs, which can be connected and the cable length required to connect them. Length is a positive integer number that does not exceed 106. There will be no more than one way to connect two hubs. A hub cannot be connected to itself. There will always be at least one way to connect all hubs. Output Output first the maximum length of a single cable in your hub connection plan (the value you should minimize). Then output your plan: first output P - the number of cables used, then output P pairs of integer numbers - numbers of hubs connected by the corresponding cable. Separate numbers by spaces and/or line breaks.



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