时间: 2023-12-30 22:02:28 浏览: 474
1. 安装aruco库
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev libcv-dev libhighgui-dev libcv-bridge-dev ros-<distro>-cv-bridge
2. 安装aruco_ros
sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-aruco-ros
3. 运行aruco_ros
roslaunch aruco_ros single.launch
### 如何在 ROS 2 中使用 `aruco_ros` 包
#### 安装依赖项
为了能够在 ROS 2 中使用 `aruco_ros` 包,首先需要安装必要的依赖项。可以通过以下命令来确保所有必需的软件包都已安装:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ros-humble-aruco-ros
#### 创建工作空间
如果还没有创建 ROS 2 工作空间,则可以按照如下方式建立一个新的工作空间:
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_ws/
接着克隆 `aruco_ros` 到源码目录中:
git clone field robotics/aruco_ros.git src/aruco_ros
#### 编译项目
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
#### 运行示例程序
启动单个 ArUco marker 的检测实例可参照下面的方法:
ros2 run aruco_ros single_image_node __params:=path/to/single_image_params.yaml
对于多标记识别场景下的应用开发而言,还可以尝试其他类型的节点如 `multi_marker_node`, 同样遵循相似的方式指定对应的 YAML 配置文档即可完成部署与测试过程。
#### 查看话题列表
ros2 topic list
这一指令能够展示出由 `aruco_ros` 发布的消息主题以及订阅者信息等内容。
#### 可视化工具集成
为了让开发者更直观地观察到 AR 标记的位置姿态估计效果,在 RViz 或 Gazebo 环境里加入 Marker 显示插件不失为一种有效手段。具体做法是在可视化界面内添加相应的显示类型(例如 PoseArray),从而实时监控目标物体的状态变化趋势。
### aruco_ros2 ROS 2 Package Installation, Configuration, and Usage
For installing the `aruco_ros2` package within a ROS 2 environment, one should follow similar procedures as outlined for setting up other packages but specifically targeting repositories or sources that contain `aruco_ros2`. The general process involves creating an appropriate workspace, cloning necessary repositories into it, ensuring dependencies are met via tools like `rosdep`, building with `colcon`, and sourcing setup files to configure the environment correctly.
To begin with, establishing a dedicated ROS 2 workspace is essential:
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/uros_ws/src && cd ~/uros_ws/
Cloning the repository containing `aruco_ros2` would be required next. Since direct information about its location isn't provided here, typically such operations involve identifying where the desired software resides—often on GitHub or another code hosting service—and using Git commands accordingly:
git clone <repository_url> src/aruco_ros2
Updating dependency lists and resolving them follows thereafter:
rosdep update && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Building all packages inside the created workspace can then proceed by invoking Colcon—a tool designed especially for handling multiple-package projects efficiently in ROS 2 environments[^4]:
colcon build --packages-up-to aruco_ros2
After successful compilation, configuring shell sessions so they recognize newly built components becomes important through sourcing generated scripts:
source install/local_setup.bash
Regarding specific configurations related to ArUco markers detection tasks, these might include adjusting parameters either directly from command line arguments when launching nodes or modifying launch files alongside any relevant configuration files (`yaml`) used by those nodes. Additionally, custom message types could potentially need definition if interfacing between different parts of systems requires specialized data structures beyond standard ones offered out-of-the-box by ROS 2.
In terms of utilizing `aruco_ros2`, once properly set up according to steps mentioned earlier, running example applications included within the package documentation serves well both as learning material and practical utility demonstration purposes. Users may also explore writing their own node(s), subscribing/publishing topics pertinent to marker detections while leveraging functionalities exposed by this library.
--related questions--
1. How does one identify official or community-supported repositories hosting the `aruco_ros2` package?
2. What modifications must occur in CMakeLists.txt for integrating dynamic reconfiguration options associated with `aruco_ros2` settings?
3. Can you provide examples demonstrating how to adjust parameter values dynamically during runtime for better performance tuning of ArUco marker detection processes?
4. Are there alternative methods besides using `colcon` for managing multi-package workspaces effectively in ROS 2 setups?