时间: 2024-10-20 12:15:15 浏览: 26
class Point:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.coordinates = (x, y)
p1 = Point(1, 2)
p2 = Point(3, 4)
# 这里假设p1和p2都有coordinates属性
distance = ((p1.coordinates[0] - p2.coordinates[0]) ** 2 +
(p1.coordinates[1] - p2.coordinates[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
(self, *args)
The self.canvas.coords() method is used to retrieve or modify the coordinates of a canvas object.
The first argument, self, refers to the instance of the class that this method is called on.
The remaining arguments, *args, are used to specify the canvas object whose coordinates are to be retrieved or modified. The arguments can be specified in one of two ways:
1. Using a single argument: In this case, the argument should be a reference to the canvas object whose coordinates are to be retrieved or modified.
2. Using multiple arguments: In this case, the arguments should be the x and y coordinates of the canvas object followed by any additional arguments that are needed to specify the canvas object (such as the object ID).
If the method is called with no arguments, it will return a list of all of the canvas objects on the canvas along with their coordinates. If the method is called with one or more arguments, it will return the coordinates of the specified canvas object or modify the coordinates of the specified canvas object if additional arguments are provided.
class SpiralIterator: def init(self, source, x=810, y=500, length=None): self.source = source self.row = np.shape(self.source)[0]#第一个元素是行数 self.col = np.shape(self.source)[1]#第二个元素是列数 if length: self.length = min(length, np.size(self.source)) else: self.length = np.size(self.source) if x: self.x = x else: self.x = self.row // 2 if y: self.y = y else: self.y = self.col // 2 self.i = self.x self.j = self.y self.iteSize = 0 geo_transform = dsm_data.GetGeoTransform() self.x_origin = geo_transform[0] self.y_origin = geo_transform[3] self.pixel_width = geo_transform[1] self.pixel_height = geo_transform[5] def hasNext(self): return self.iteSize < self.length # 不能取更多值了 def get(self): if self.hasNext(): # 还能再取一个值 # 先记录当前坐标的值 —— 准备返回 i = self.i j = self.j val = self.source[i][j] # 计算下一个值的坐标 relI = self.i - self.x # 相对坐标 relJ = self.j - self.y # 相对坐标 if relJ > 0 and abs(relI) < relJ: self.i -= 1 # 上 elif relI < 0 and relJ > relI: self.j -= 1 # 左 elif relJ < 0 and abs(relJ) > relI: self.i += 1 # 下 elif relI >= 0 and relI >= relJ: self.j += 1 # 右 #判断索引是否在矩阵内 x = self.x_origin + (j + 0.5) * self.pixel_width y = self.y_origin + (i + 0.5) * self.pixel_height z = val self.iteSize += 1 return x, y, z dsm_path = 'C:\sanwei\jianmo\Productions\Production_2\Production_2_DSM_part_2_2.tif' dsm_data = gdal.Open(dsm_path) dsm_array = dsm_data.ReadAsArray() spiral_iterator = SpiralIterator(dsm_array,x=810,y=500) while spiral_iterator.hasNext(): x, y, z = spiral_iterator.get() print(f'Value at ({x},{y}):{z}')这段代码怎么改可以将地面点坐标反算其原始航片对应的像素行列号
1. 在SpiralIterator类中添加一个方法,名为`get_pixel_coords(self, x_geo, y_geo)`,用于将地面点的地理坐标转换为像素坐标。
2. 在`get()`方法中,调用`get_pixel_coords()`方法,将当前迭代器位置的地理坐标转换为像素坐标。
3. 将像素坐标作为返回值返回。
import numpy as np
import gdal
class SpiralIterator:
def __init__(self, source, x=810, y=500, length=None):
self.source = source
self.row = np.shape(self.source)[0]#第一个元素是行数
self.col = np.shape(self.source)[1]#第二个元素是列数
if length:
self.length = min(length, np.size(self.source))
self.length = np.size(self.source)
if x:
self.x = x
self.x = self.row // 2
if y:
self.y = y
self.y = self.col // 2
self.i = self.x
self.j = self.y
self.iteSize = 0
geo_transform = dsm_data.GetGeoTransform()
self.x_origin = geo_transform[0]
self.y_origin = geo_transform[3]
self.pixel_width = geo_transform[1]
self.pixel_height = geo_transform[5]
def hasNext(self):
return self.iteSize < self.length # 不能取更多值了
def get(self):
if self.hasNext(): # 还能再取一个值
# 先记录当前坐标的值 —— 准备返回
i = self.i
j = self.j
val = self.source[i][j]
# 计算下一个值的坐标
relI = self.i - self.x # 相对坐标
relJ = self.j - self.y # 相对坐标
if relJ > 0 and abs(relI) < relJ:
self.i -= 1 # 上
elif relI < 0 and relJ > relI:
self.j -= 1 # 左
elif relJ < 0 and abs(relJ) > relI:
self.i += 1 # 下
elif relI >= 0 and relI >= relJ:
self.j += 1 # 右
# 判断索引是否在矩阵内
x_geo = self.x_origin + (j + 0.5) * self.pixel_width
y_geo = self.y_origin + (i + 0.5) * self.pixel_height
pixel_coords = self.get_pixel_coords(x_geo, y_geo)
self.iteSize += 1
return pixel_coords
def get_pixel_coords(self, x_geo, y_geo):
# 将地理坐标转换为像素坐标
x = int((x_geo - self.x_origin) / self.pixel_width)
y = int((y_geo - self.y_origin) / self.pixel_height)
return x, y
dsm_path = 'C:\sanwei\jianmo\Productions\Production_2\Production_2_DSM_part_2_2.tif'
dsm_data = gdal.Open(dsm_path)
dsm_array = dsm_data.ReadAsArray()
spiral_iterator = SpiralIterator(dsm_array,x=810,y=500)
while spiral_iterator.hasNext():
x, y = spiral_iterator.get()
print(f'Pixel coordinates: ({x},{y})')