他会打开两个窗口,第一个窗口显示The Python script executed successfully.,第二个窗口才是闪一下就关闭的
时间: 2024-12-24 16:19:13 浏览: 7
你描述的情况表明,脚本的确成功地执行了并且输出了"The Python script executed successfully." 这个消息,这是因为`if`条件判断部分没有遇到错误,所以执行了else分支中的内容,并通过`echo`命令显示出来。
然而,同时启动了一个新的窗口来运行`test_new_flow.py`,可能是由于`start python test_new_flow.py`这句命令直接打开了一个新的终端窗口。这个窗口可能因为`test_new_flow.py`执行完毕速度快,或者是没有等待用户交互的操作,所以才会一闪即逝。
start python test_new_flow.py
timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul
Write a procedure that copys a string to another memory location.The procedurereceives two parameters:the start address of the source string and the start addressof the destination memory location.Write a test program that calls your procedureand shows the copied string in the destination memory location after the call. Requirement:Your code should be assembled and executed successfully.Submit thefile of your source code.2021
Sure, here is a possible implementation of the procedure in x86 assembly language:
section .text
global copy_string
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ebx, [ebp+8] ; source address
mov ecx, [ebp+12] ; destination address
mov al, [ebx] ; load first byte from source
mov [ecx], al ; store first byte to destination
inc ebx
inc ecx
mov al, [ebx] ; load next byte from source
mov [ecx], al ; store next byte to destination
inc ebx
inc ecx
cmp byte [ebx-1], 0 ; check if end of string
jne .copy_loop
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
This procedure uses the standard x86 calling convention, where the first parameter (source address) is passed in the `eax` register and the second parameter (destination address) is passed in the `edx` register. The procedure copies the string byte by byte from the source to the destination, until it reaches the end of the string (indicated by a null byte).
Here is an example program that calls the `copy_string` procedure and displays the copied string:
section .data
source db "Hello, world!", 0
destination times 13 db 0 ; reserve space for copied string
section .text
global _start
; call copy_string procedure with source and destination addresses
push dword destination
push dword source
call copy_string
add esp, 8
; display copied string
mov eax, 4 ; write system call
mov ebx, 1 ; standard output file descriptor
mov ecx, destination ; address of copied string
mov edx, 13 ; length of string
int 0x80 ; invoke system call
; exit program
mov eax, 1 ; exit system call
xor ebx, ebx ; exit status 0
int 0x80 ; invoke system call
This program defines a string `source` and a destination buffer `destination`, and calls the `copy_string` procedure with their addresses. Then it displays the copied string using the `write` system call, and exits with a status of 0.
To assemble and link this program, you can use the following commands (assuming you save the code in a file called `copy.asm`):
nasm -f elf32 -o copy.o copy.asm
ld -m elf_i386 -o copy copy.o
This will produce an executable file called `copy`, which you can run by typing `./copy` in the terminal.
The scheduler inside the job manager keeps track of the state and history of each vertex in the graph. At present if the job manager’s computer fails the job is terminated, though the vertex scheduler could employ checkpointing or replication to avoid this. A vertex may be executed multiple times over the length of the job due to failures, and more than one instance of a given vertex may be executing at any given time. Each execution of the vertex has a version number and a corresponding “execution record” that contains the state of that execution and the versions of the predecessor vertices from which its inputs are derived. Each execution names its file-based output channels uniquely using its version number to avoid conflicts among versions. If the entire job completes successfully then each vertex selects a successful execution and renames its output files to their correct final forms.请理解这些话
这段话是在描述一个作业管理器(job manager)的调度器(scheduler)如何管理和跟踪图中每个顶点(vertex)的状态和历史记录。该调度器可以使用检查点(checkpointing)或复制(replication)等方式避免作业在作业管理器计算机出现故障时被终止。