时间: 2024-10-23 18:03:49 浏览: 19
from collections import deque
def find_new_position(chessboard, piece_positions):
# 棋盘大小
board_size = len(chessboard)
# 尝试所有空位作为新棋子位置
for x in range(board_size):
for y in range(board_size):
if chessboard[x][y] == 0: # 空位置
new_piece_position = (x, y)
# 使用深度优先搜索寻找路径
def dfs(x, y, pieces, path):
nonlocal new_piece_position
if len(path) == 3 and path[-1] == new_piece_position:
return True
for dx, dy in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]: # 四周边缘方向
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
if 0 <= nx < board_size and 0 <= ny < board_size:
if (nx, ny) not in pieces and chessboard[nx][ny] != 0: # 避免与已有棋子冲突
path.append((nx, ny))
if dfs(nx, ny, pieces, path):
return True
path.pop() # 回溯
return False
# 开始搜索
if dfs(0, 0, piece_positions, [new_piece_position]):
return new_piece_position # 找到满足条件的位置
# 如果找不到符合条件的位置,返回 [-1, -1]
return [-1, -1]
# 示例棋盘和棋子位置
chessboard = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 0, 9]]
piece_positions = [(1, 2), (1, 5)]
new_position = find_new_position(chessboard, piece_positions)
print("New position:", new_position)