gee reducer
时间: 2023-10-19 17:06:40 浏览: 168
C知道: "gee reducer"是一个模糊的问题,可以解释为减少GEE(Google Earth Engine)中的数据维度。GEE是一个用于进行地理空间数据分析和处理的平台,它使用了大规模遥感数据和地理信息系统的能力。在GEE中,可以使用reducer函数来减少数据维度,例如计算每个区域的平均值或总和。
GEE reduceResolution
GEE (Google Earth Engine) is a cloud-based platform that allows users to analyze and visualize geospatial data. The `reduceResolution` function in GEE is used to aggregate or reduce the resolution of an image or a raster dataset.
The `reduceResolution` function takes several parameters, including the reducer type (e.g., mean, sum, max), the scale (pixel size) at which to aggregate the data, and an optional geometry to define the region of interest.
Here's an example of how to use `reduceResolution` in GEE:
// Load an image
var image = ee.Image('image_id');
// Reduce the resolution of the image
var reducedImage = image.reduceResolution({
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
maxPixels: 1024,
bestEffort: true
// Display the reduced resolution image
In this example, we load an image and then use the `reduceResolution` function to compute the mean value of pixels within a certain scale. The `maxPixels` parameter limits the number of pixels processed, and `bestEffort` allows for an approximate result if needed.
Please note that this is a simplified explanation, and there are more advanced options and considerations when using `reduceResolution` in GEE. It's always a good idea to consult the official documentation or additional resources for more in-depth information.
gee reduceresolution