cvt: introducing convolutions to vision transformers
时间: 2023-04-19 22:02:14 浏览: 295
Introducing Convolutions to Vision Transformers
### 引入卷积设计到视觉Transformer中的介绍与实现
#### 背景与动机
视觉Transformer (ViT) 已经成为处理图像数据的强大工具。然而,在原始的ViT架构中,仅依赖于自注意力机制来捕捉空间关系可能会忽略局部特征的学习效率。为了弥补这一不足并增强模型性能,研究者们探索了将卷积操作融入到Vision Transformer的设计之中[^1]。
#### 卷积在视觉Transformer中的作用
- **保留局部结构**:相比于全局范围内的自注意力计算方式,卷积能够更好地保持输入图片的空间连续性和邻域一致性。
- **减少参数量和计算成本**:适当应用浅层的小尺寸kernel size(如3×3),可以有效降低整体网络复杂度而不牺牲太多表达能力。
import torch.nn as nn
class ConvBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1):
super(ConvBlock, self).__init__()
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding)
self.norm = nn.LayerNorm([out_channels])
self.act = nn.GELU()
def forward(self, x):
return self.act(self.norm(self.conv(x)))
#### 实现细节
当把卷积加入到Visual Transformers时,通常会考虑以下几种策略之一或组合使用它们:
- **混合专家(MoE)** 架构下作为子组件;
- 替代部分多头自关注单元的位置;
- 增加额外路径以形成跳跃连接形式;
这些方法旨在利用卷积的优势同时不破坏原有框架的核心特性——即长距离依赖建模的能力以及灵活性高的patch embedding方案。
Local-to-Global Self-Attention in Vision Transformers
Vision Transformers (ViT) have shown remarkable performance in various vision tasks, such as image classification and object detection. However, the self-attention mechanism in ViT has a quadratic complexity with respect to the input sequence length, which limits its application to large-scale images.
To address this issue, researchers have proposed a novel technique called Local-to-Global Self-Attention (LGSA), which reduces the computational complexity of the self-attention operation in ViT while maintaining its performance. LGSA divides the input image into local patches and performs self-attention within each patch. Then, it aggregates the information from different patches through a global self-attention mechanism.
The local self-attention operation only considers the interactions among the pixels within a patch, which significantly reduces the computational complexity. Moreover, the global self-attention mechanism captures the long-range dependencies among the patches and ensures that the model can capture the context information from the entire image.
LGSA has been shown to outperform the standard ViT on various image classification benchmarks, including ImageNet and CIFAR-100. Additionally, LGSA can be easily incorporated into existing ViT architectures without introducing significant changes.
In summary, LGSA addresses the computational complexity issue of self-attention in ViT, making it more effective for large-scale image recognition tasks.