时间: 2023-11-07 10:04:36 浏览: 154
torch.randn() 和torch.rand()的区别
`torch.rand()` 和 `torch.randn()` 都是PyTorch库中用于创建随机张量的函数,但它们有以下关键区别[^1][^2]:
1. **分布**:
- `torch.rand()` 生成的是均匀分布(Uniform Distribution)的随机数,范围通常在 `[0, 1)` 之间(包括0,不包括1)。每个元素都是独立的,具有相同的概率分布。
2. **标准正态分布**:
- 而 `torch.randn()` 则生成的是标准正态分布(Standard Normal Distribution)的随机数,其平均值为0,标准差为1。这意味着这些数值通常围绕0对称分布,非常适合模拟某些自然现象,如神经网络中的权重初始化。
# torch.rand() 示例
y_rand = torch.rand(5, 3)
print("Random values from uniform distribution:")
# torch.randn() 示例
y.randn = torch.randn(5, 3)
print("\nRandom values from standard normal distribution:")
下面pytorch代码转化为paddlepaddle2.2.2代码: import torch import torch.distributions as tdist def random_noise_levels(): """Generates random noise levels from a log-log linear distribution.""" log_min_shot_noise = np.log(0.0001) log_max_shot_noise = np.log(0.012) log_shot_noise = torch.FloatTensor(1).uniform_(log_min_shot_noise, log_max_shot_noise) shot_noise = torch.exp(log_shot_noise) line = lambda x: 2.18 * x + 1.20 n = tdist.Normal(loc=torch.tensor([0.0]), scale=torch.tensor([0.26])) log_read_noise = line(log_shot_noise) + n.sample() read_noise = torch.exp(log_read_noise) return shot_noise, read_noise def add_noise(image, shot_noise=0.01, read_noise=0.0005): """Adds random shot (proportional to image) and read (independent) noise.""" image = image.permute(1, 2, 0) # Permute the image tensor to HxWxC format from CxHxW format variance = image * shot_noise + read_noise n = tdist.Normal(loc=torch.zeros_like(variance), scale=torch.sqrt(variance)) noise = n.sample() out = image + noise out = out.permute(2, 0, 1) # Re-Permute the tensor back to CxHxW format return out
import paddle
import paddle.distribution as pdist
import numpy as np
def random_noise_levels():
"""Generates random noise levels from a log-log linear distribution."""
log_min_shot_noise = np.log(0.0001)
log_max_shot_noise = np.log(0.012)
log_shot_noise = paddle.uniform(shape=[1], min=log_min_shot_noise, max=log_max_shot_noise)
shot_noise = paddle.exp(log_shot_noise)
line = lambda x: 2.18 * x + 1.20
n = pdist.Normal(loc=paddle.zeros([1]), scale=paddle.ones([1]) * 0.26)
log_read_noise = line(log_shot_noise) + n.sample()
read_noise = paddle.exp(log_read_noise)
return shot_noise, read_noise
def add_noise(image, shot_noise=0.01, read_noise=0.0005):
"""Adds random shot (proportional to image) and read (independent) noise."""
image = image.permute([1, 2, 0]) # Permute the image tensor to HxWxC format from CxHxW format
variance = image * shot_noise + read_noise
n = pdist.Normal(loc=paddle.zeros_like(variance), scale=paddle.sqrt(variance))
noise = n.sample()
out = image + noise
out = out.permute([2, 0, 1]) # Re-Permute the tensor back to CxHxW format
return out