时间: 2024-02-07 21:02:43 浏览: 90
function [rise_time, settling_time, overshoot, undershoot] = step_response_metrics(y, t)
% STEP_RESPONSE_METRICS - compute performance metrics for a step response
% Inputs:
% y - the step response of the system (vector)
% t - the time vector corresponding to y (vector)
% Outputs:
% rise_time - the time it takes for the response to rise from 10% to 90%
% of its final value (scalar)
% settling_time - the time it takes for the response to settle within
% 5% of its final value (scalar)
% overshoot - the maximum percentage overshoot of the response (scalar)
% undershoot - the maximum percentage undershoot of the response (scalar)
% Find the final value of the response
final_value = y(end);
% Find the time it takes for the response to rise from 10% to 90%
rise_time_idx = find(y >= 0.1*final_value & y <= 0.9*final_value, 1);
rise_time = t(rise_time_idx);
% Find the time it takes for the response to settle within 5% of its final value
settling_range = [final_value-0.05*final_value final_value+0.05*final_value];
settling_time_idx = find(y >= settling_range(1) & y <= settling_range(2), 1, 'last');
settling_time = t(settling_time_idx);
% Find the maximum overshoot and undershoot of the response
overshoot = max((y - final_value)/final_value) * 100;
undershoot = min((y - final_value)/final_value) * 100;