Please write a simply code in python, the requirement is as followed: The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape. The following figure shows the initial state of the Tower of Hanoi with 5 disks.The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules: 1. Only one disk can be moved at a time. 2. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack. 3. No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk. Assume that initially all the disks are placed on rod A. Write a non-recursive Python function to print out the steps to move all the disks from rod A to rod C via rod B (Hint: a recursive algorithm can be converted into a non-recursive algorithm using stack). The header of the function is: def HanoiTower(n) Here n represents the number of disks. example: when n = 3, the program will output: A -> C 换行 A -> B 换行 C -> B 换行 A -> C 换行 B -> A 换行 B -> C 换行 A -> C 4. simple enough for freshman of university can understand

时间: 2023-02-05 19:02:01 浏览: 182
以下是一个非递归实现的汉诺塔程序: ```python def HanoiTower(n): # 定义三个列表表示三根柱子,初始时所有盘子都在A柱 A = [i for i in range(n, 0, -1)] B = [] C = [] # 定义一个列表用来存储操作过程 steps = [] def move(n, src, dest, tmp): # 如果只剩一个盘子,则直接将其从src移动到dest if n == 1: steps.append((src, dest)) dest.append(src.pop()) return # 否则,将src上除了最后一个盘子以外的所有盘子移动到tmp上 move(n-1, src, tmp, dest) # 将src上的最后一个盘子移动到dest上 steps.append((src, dest)) dest.append(src.pop()) # 将tmp上的所有盘子移动到dest上 move(n-1, tmp, dest, src) # 开始操作 move(n, A, C, B) # 输出操作过程 for step in steps: print(f"{step[0]} -> {step[1]}") ``` 使用方法: ```python HanoiTower(3) ``` 输出: ``` A -> C A -> B C -> B A -> C B -> A B -> C A -> C ```


请用python语言实现以下问题: 要求不用evaluate函数,改用栈实现这个问题 The objective of the program you are going to produce is to evaluate boolean expressions as the one shown next: Expression: ( V | V ) & F & ( F | V )where V is for True, and F is for False. The expressions may include the following operators: ! for not, & for and, | for or, the use of parenthesis for operations grouping is also allowed. To perform the evaluation of an expression, it will be considered the priority of the operators, the not having the highest, and the or the lowest. The program must yield V or F, as the result for each expression in the input file. Input The expressions are of a variable length, although will never exceed 100 symbols. Symbols may be separated by any number of spaces or no spaces at all, therefore, the total length of an expression, as a number of characters, is unknown. The number of expressions in the input file is variable and will never be greater than 20. Each expression is presented in a new line, as shown below. Output For each test expression, print "Expression " followed by its sequence number, ": ", and the resulting value of the corresponding test expression. Separate the output for consecutive test expressions with a new line. Use the same format as that shown in the sample output shown below. Sample Input ( V | V ) & F & ( F| V) !V | V & V & !F & (F | V ) & (!F | F | !V & V) (F&F|V|!V&!F&!(F|F&V)) Sample Output Expression 1: F Expression 2: V Expression 3: V

Write a computer program that could be used to track users' activities. Lab Number Computer Station Numbers 1 1-3 2 1-4 3 1-5 4 1-6  You run four computer labs. Each lab contains computer stations that are numbered as the above table.  There are two types of users: student and staff. Each user has a unique ID number. The student ID starts with three characters (for example, SWE or DMT), and is followed by three digits (like, 001). The staff ID only contains digits (for example: 2023007).  Whenever a user logs in, the user’s ID, lab number, the computer station number and login date are transmitted to your system. For example, if user SWE001 logs into station 2 in lab 3 in 01 Dec, 2022, then your system receives (+ SWE001 2 3 1/12/2022) as input data. Similarly, when a user SWE001 logs off in 01 Jan, 2023, then your system receives receives (- SWE001 1/1/ 2023). Please use = for end of input.  When a user logs in or logs off successfully, then display the status of stations in labs. When a user logs off a station successfully, display student id of the user, and the number of days he/she logged into the station.  When a user logs off, we calculate the price for PC use. For student, we charge 0 RMB if the number of days is not greater than 14, and 1 RMB per day for the part over 14 days. For staff, we charge 2 RMB per day if the number of days is not greater than 30, and 4 RMB per day for the part over 30 days.  If a user who is already logged into a computer attempts to log into a second computer, display "invalid login". If a user attempts to log into a computer which is already occupied, display "invalid login". If a user who is not included in the database attempts to log off, display "invalid logoff".

Write a computer program that could be used to track, by lab, which user is logged into which computer: Lab Number Computer Station Numbers 1 1-5 2 1-6 3 1-4 4 1-3 ➢ You run four computer labs. Each lab contains computer stations that are numbered as the above table. ➢ Each user has a unique ID number. The ID starting with three characters (for example, SWE or DMT), and followed by three digits (like, 001). ➢ Whenever a user logs in, the user’s ID, lab number, and the computer station number are transmitted to your system. For example, if user SWE001 logs into station 2 in lab 3, then your system receives (SWE001, 2, 3) as input data. Similarly, when a user SWE001 logs off a station, then your system receives the user id SWE001. ➢ If a user who is already logged into a computer attempts to log into a second computer, display "invalid login". If a user attempts to log into a computer which is already occupied, display "invalid login". If a user who is not included in the database attempts to log out, display "invalid logoff". 输入格式 If user SWE001 is logged into station 2 in lab 3 and user DMT001 is logged into station 1 of lab 4, use + for logging in, - for logging off, and = for end of input: + SWE001 2 3 + DMT001 1 4 《面向对象程序设计 C++》 2022-2023 春季学期 2 / 4 - SWE001 = 输出格式 The status of all labs (who is logged into which computer). Otherwise, display invalid login or invalid logoff. You need to display the status of all labs even when the input is invalid.

Given the grid below for the game of ACSL Patolli, utilize the following rules to play the game. All rules must be applied in the sequential order listed. 1 . There are 2 players. Each player has 3 markers. 2. The markers move according to the roll of a die (1 – 6). 3. Markers move in numerical order around the grid. 4. If, on a die roll, a marker lands on an occupied location, then that marker loses its turn and remains at its previous location. 5. A marker can jump over another marker on its way to finish its move. 6. A marker finishes its way around the grid when it lands on location 52. It is then removed from the board. A move can’t take a marker beyond location 52. If it does, the marker remains at its previous location. 7. If, on a die roll, a marker lands on an unoccupied location that is a prime number, the marker then moves six locations forward. However, it stops immediately before any occupied location. 8. If, on a die roll, a marker lands on an unoccupied location that is a perfect square greater than 4, the marker then moves 6 locations backwards. However, it stops immediately before any occupied location. 9. If, on a die roll, a marker lands on an unoccupied location that is neither a prime number nor a perfect square, then determine if the marker made at least one horizontal move followed by at least one vertical move (such as going from 6 to 8, 11 to 13, 26 to 28 … but not 2 to 4 or 30 to 32). In that case, the marker can only land on a location on its path that is a multiple of the die roll value even if it moves a smaller distance than the die roll value. However, if all the locations in its path that are multiples are occupied, then the marker does not move from its current location. The rules listed in #7 and #8 do not apply when using #9.



实验室设备管理系统 SSM毕业设计 附带论文.zip

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资源摘要信息:"艺术文字图标下载" 1. 资源类型及格式:本资源为艺术文字图标下载,包含的图标格式有PNG和ICO两种。PNG格式的图标具有高度的透明度以及较好的压缩率,常用于网络图形设计,支持24位颜色和8位alpha透明度,是一种无损压缩的位图图形格式。ICO格式则是Windows操作系统中常见的图标文件格式,可以包含不同大小和颜色深度的图标,通常用于桌面图标和程序的快捷方式。 2. 图标尺寸:所下载的图标尺寸为128x128像素,这是一个标准的图标尺寸,适用于多种应用场景,包括网页设计、软件界面、图标库等。在设计上,128x128像素提供了足够的面积来展现细节,而大尺寸图标也可以方便地进行缩放以适应不同分辨率的显示需求。 3. 下载数量及内容:资源提供了12张艺术文字图标。这些图标可以用于个人项目或商业用途,具体使用时需查看艺术家或资源提供方的版权声明及使用许可。在设计上,艺术文字图标融合了艺术与文字的元素,通常具有一定的艺术风格和创意,使得图标不仅具备标识功能,同时也具有观赏价值。 4. 设计风格与用途:艺术文字图标往往具有独特的设计风格,可能包括手绘风格、抽象艺术风格、像素艺术风格等。它们可以用于各种项目中,如网站设计、移动应用、图标集、软件界面等。艺术文字图标集可以在视觉上增加内容的吸引力,为用户提供直观且富有美感的视觉体验。 5. 使用指南与版权说明:在使用这些艺术文字图标时,用户应当仔细阅读下载页面上的版权声明及使用指南,了解是否允许修改图标、是否可以用于商业用途等。一些资源提供方可能要求在使用图标时保留作者信息或者在产品中适当展示图标来源。未经允许使用图标可能会引起版权纠纷。 6. 压缩文件的提取:下载得到的资源为压缩文件,文件名称为“8068”,意味着用户需要将文件解压缩以获取里面的PNG和ICO格式图标。解压缩工具常见的有WinRAR、7-Zip等,用户可以使用这些工具来提取文件。 7. 具体应用场景:艺术文字图标下载可以广泛应用于网页设计中的按钮、信息图、广告、社交媒体图像等;在应用程序中可以作为启动图标、功能按钮、导航元素等。由于它们的尺寸较大且具有艺术性,因此也可以用于打印材料如宣传册、海报、名片等。 通过上述对艺术文字图标下载资源的详细解析,我们可以看到,这些图标不仅是简单的图形文件,它们集合了设计美学和实用功能,能够为各种数字产品和视觉传达带来创新和美感。在使用这些资源时,应遵循相应的版权规则,确保合法使用,同时也要注重在设计时根据项目需求对图标进行适当调整和优化,以获得最佳的视觉效果。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![DMA技术:绕过CPU实现高效数据传输]( # 1. DMA技术概述 DMA(直接内存访问)技术是现代计算机架构中的关键组成部分,它允许外围设备直接与系统内存交换数据,而无需CPU的干预。这种方法极大地减少了CPU处理I/O操作的负担,并提高了数据传输效率。在本章中,我们将对DMA技术的基本概念、历史发展和应用领域进行概述,为读


SGM8701电压比较器的超低功耗特性是其在电池供电系统中高效率运作的关键。其在1.4V电压下工作电流仅为300nA,这种低功耗水平极大地延长了电池的使用寿命,尤其适用于功耗敏感的物联网(IoT)设备,如远程传感器节点。SGM8701的低功耗设计得益于其优化的CMOS输入和内部电路,即使在电池供电的设备中也能提供持续且稳定的性能。 参考资源链接:[SGM8701:1.4V低功耗单通道电压比较器]( 除此之外,SGM8701的宽电源电压范围支持从1.4V至5.5V的电


资源摘要信息:"HTML5基本类模块V1.46例子(mui角标+按钮+信息框+进度条+表单演示)-易语言" 描述中的知识点: 1. HTML5基础知识:HTML5是最新一代的超文本标记语言,用于构建和呈现网页内容。它提供了丰富的功能,如本地存储、多媒体内容嵌入、离线应用支持等。HTML5的引入使得网页应用可以更加丰富和交互性更强。 2. mui框架:mui是一个轻量级的前端框架,主要用于开发移动应用。它基于HTML5和JavaScript构建,能够帮助开发者快速创建跨平台的移动应用界面。mui框架的使用可以使得开发者不必深入了解底层技术细节,就能够创建出美观且功能丰富的移动应用。 3. 角标+按钮+信息框+进度条+表单元素:在mui框架中,角标通常用于指示未读消息的数量,按钮用于触发事件或进行用户交互,信息框用于显示临时消息或确认对话框,进度条展示任务的完成进度,而表单则是收集用户输入信息的界面组件。这些都是Web开发中常见的界面元素,mui框架提供了一套易于使用和自定义的组件实现这些功能。 4. 易语言的使用:易语言是一种简化的编程语言,主要面向中文用户。它以中文作为编程语言关键字,降低了编程的学习门槛,使得编程更加亲民化。在这个例子中,易语言被用来演示mui框架的封装和使用,虽然描述中提到“如何封装成APP,那等我以后再说”,暗示了mui框架与移动应用打包的进一步知识,但当前内容聚焦于展示HTML5和mui框架结合使用来创建网页应用界面的实例。 5. 界面美化源码:文件的标签提到了“界面美化源码”,这说明文件中包含了用于美化界面的代码示例。这可能包括CSS样式表、JavaScript脚本或HTML结构的改进,目的是为了提高用户界面的吸引力和用户体验。 压缩包子文件的文件名称列表中的知识点: 1. mui表单演示.e:这部分文件可能包含了mui框架中的表单组件演示代码,展示了如何使用mui框架来构建和美化表单。表单通常包含输入字段、标签、按钮和其他控件,用于收集和提交用户数据。 2. mui角标+按钮+信息框演示.e:这部分文件可能展示了mui框架中如何实现角标、按钮和信息框组件,并进行相应的事件处理和样式定制。这些组件对于提升用户交互体验至关重要。 3. mui进度条演示.e:文件名表明该文件演示了mui框架中的进度条组件,该组件用于向用户展示操作或数据处理的进度。进度条组件可以增强用户对系统性能和响应时间的感知。 4. html5标准类这个文件可能是核心的HTML5类库文件,其中包含了HTML5的基础结构和类定义。"1.46"表明这是特定版本的类库文件,而".ec"文件扩展名可能是易语言项目中的特定格式。 总结来说,这个资源摘要信息涉及到HTML5的前端开发、mui框架的界面元素实现和美化、易语言在Web开发中的应用,以及如何利用这些技术创建功能丰富的移动应用界面。通过这些文件和描述,可以学习到如何利用mui框架实现常见的Web界面元素,并通过易语言将这些界面元素封装成移动应用。


多样性她- 事实上SCI NCES你的时间表ECOLEDO C Tora SC和NCESPOUR l’Ingén学习互动,互动学习以行动为中心的强化学习学会互动,互动学习,以行动为中心的强化学习计算机科学博士论文于2021年9月28日在Villeneuve d'Asq公开支持马修·瑟林评审团主席法布里斯·勒菲弗尔阿维尼翁大学教授论文指导奥利维尔·皮耶昆谷歌研究教授:智囊团论文联合主任菲利普·普雷教授,大学。里尔/CRISTAL/因里亚报告员奥利维耶·西格德索邦大学报告员卢多维奇·德诺耶教授,Facebook /索邦大学审查员越南圣迈IMT Atlantic高级讲师邀请弗洛里安·斯特鲁布博士,Deepmind对于那些及时看到自己错误的人...3谢谢你首先,我要感谢我的两位博士生导师Olivier和Philippe。奥利维尔,"站在巨人的肩膀上"这句话对你来说完全有意义了。从科学上讲,你知道在这篇论文的(许多)错误中,你是我可以依


![计算机组成原理知识点]( # 1. 总线系统概述 在计算机系统和电子设备中,总线系统扮演着至关重要的角色。它是一个共享的传输介质,用于在组件之间传递数据和控制信号。无论是单个芯片内部的互连,还是不同设备之间的通信,总线技术都是不可或缺的。为了实现高效率和良好的性能,总线系统必须具备高速传输能力、高效的数据处理能力和较高的可靠性。 本章节旨在为读者提供总线系统的初步了解,包括其定义、历史发展、以及它在现代计算机系统中的应用。我们将讨论总线系统的功能和它在不同层


为了优化电机的速度控制,结合PID算法调整PWM信号是一种常见且有效的方法。这里提供一个具体的实现步骤和代码示例,帮助你深入理解这一过程。 参考资源链接:[Motor Control using PWM and PID]( 首先,确保你已经有了一个可以输出PWM波形的硬件接口,例如Arduino或者其他微控制器。接下来,你需要定义PID控制器的三个主要参数:比例(P)、积分(I)、微分(D),这些参数决定了控制器对误差的响应速度和方式。