如果将ext = '\*.dcm';改为ext = '\*.jpg';代码需要如何调整
时间: 2024-09-15 14:08:57 浏览: 45
如果你将`ext = '\*.dcm';`更改为`ext = '\*.jpg';`,这意味着你要寻找的是.jpg格式的图片文件而不是.dcm格式的文件。以下是调整后的代码片段:
for m = 3:n1
% 列出文件夹内所有的jpg图像文件
nm1 = fullfile(pt,nms{m});
ext = '\*.jpg'; % 修改这里,寻找.jpg文件
dis2 = dir([nm1 ext]); % 搜索指定路径下的.jpg文件
nms2 = {dis2.name}; % 保存文件名称
n2 = length(nms2); % 计算数量
for k = 1:n2
i = i+1;
nm2 = fullfile(nm1,nms2{k}); % 获取每个文件的完整路径
% 进行后续针对.jpg文件的操作
dcmSOPs = findSOPs(path) paths = list(map(str,path.split("\\"))) patient = paths[-2] time = paths[-1] rvFile = path+'\\RS.{}'.format(patient)+'.CT_1.dcm'.format(time) ds = pydicom.dcmread(rvFile) contours = ds.ROIContourSequence dcmFile = path+'\\CT.{}'.format(patient)+'.Image {}.dcm'.format(str(int(1))) ds = pydicom.dcmread(dcmFile) dcmOrigin = ds.ImagePositionPatient dcmSpacing = ds.PixelSpacing numberOfContours = len(contours[labelID].ContourSequence) print("time",time,": numberOfContourPts=",numberOfContours) cuts = [] 按行解释这段代码
Sure, here is an explanation of the provided code snippet:
1. `dcmSOPs = findSOPs(path)` - This line is calling a function `findSOPs` that presumably returns a list of DICOM file paths in the given `path` directory.
2. `paths = list(map(str,path.split("\\")))` - This line is splitting the `path` string using the backslash as a separator and then converting each element to a string and storing them in a list called `paths`.
3. `patient = paths[-2]` - This line is extracting the second last element from the `paths` list and storing it in a variable called `patient`.
4. `time = paths[-1]` - This line is extracting the last element from the `paths` list and storing it in a variable called `time`.
5. `rvFile = path+'\\RS.{}'.format(patient)+'.CT_1.dcm'.format(time)` - This line is creating a file path for a DICOM file with the name `RS.<patient>.CT_1.dcm` in the given `path` directory.
6. `ds = pydicom.dcmread(rvFile)` - This line is reading the DICOM file at the `rvFile` path using the `pydicom` library and storing it in a `Dataset` object called `ds`.
7. `contours = ds.ROIContourSequence` - This line is extracting the contour sequence from the `ds` dataset and storing it in a variable called `contours`.
8. `dcmFile = path+'\\CT.{}'.format(patient)+'.Image {}.dcm'.format(str(int(1)))` - This line is creating a file path for a DICOM file with the name `CT.<patient>.Image 1.dcm` in the given `path` directory.
9. `ds = pydicom.dcmread(dcmFile)` - This line is reading the DICOM file at the `dcmFile` path using the `pydicom` library and storing it in a `Dataset` object called `ds`.
10. `dcmOrigin = ds.ImagePositionPatient` - This line is extracting the image position patient from the `ds` dataset and storing it in a variable called `dcmOrigin`.
11. `dcmSpacing = ds.PixelSpacing` - This line is extracting the pixel spacing from the `ds` dataset and storing it in a variable called `dcmSpacing`.
12. `numberOfContours = len(contours[labelID].ContourSequence)` - This line is calculating the number of contour points for the `labelID`-th contour sequence in `contours` and storing it in a variable called `numberOfContours`.
13. `print("time",time,": numberOfContourPts=",numberOfContours)` - This line is printing the `time` and `numberOfContours` values to the console.
14. `cuts = []` - This line is initializing an empty list called `cuts`.
dcmSOPs = findSOPs(path) paths = list(map(str,path.split(""))) patient = paths[-2] time = paths[-1] rvFile = path+'\RS.{}'.format(patient)+'.CT_1.dcm'.format(time) ds = pydicom.dcmread(rvFile) contours = ds.ROIContourSequence dcmFile = path+'\CT.{}'.format(patient)+'.Image {}.dcm'.format(str(int(1))) ds = pydicom.dcmread(dcmFile) dcmOrigin = ds.ImagePositionPatient dcmSpacing = ds.PixelSpacing numberOfContours = len(contours[labelID].ContourSequence) print("time",time,": numberOfContourPts=",numberOfContours) cuts = [] 用中文按行解释
这段代码主要是对 DICOM 文件进行操作的。首先,通过调用函数 `findSOPs` 找到路径为 `path` 的 DICOM 文件的 SOP 序列。然后,将路径 `path` 按照 `'/'` 分割成一个列表 `paths`。其中,`paths[-2]` 表示病人信息,`paths[-1]` 表示时间信息。接着,根据病人信息和时间信息组成 ROI 文件的路径 `rvFile`,并且读取该文件中的 ROIContourSequence。之后,根据病人信息组成 CT 文件的路径 `dcmFile`,并且读取该文件中的 ImagePositionPatient 和 PixelSpacing。最后,根据给定的标签 ID `labelID`,获取对应轮廓的 ContourSequence 中的点的数量,并且将结果存入变量 `numberOfContours`。最后,将空列表 `cuts` 返回。