#: Possible resolutions for import related errors. RESOLUTIONS = { 'darwin': 'Please make sure that you have Python bindings for the ' 'system frameworks installed', 'uinput': 'Please make sure that you are running as root, and that ' 'the utility dumpkeys is installed', 'xorg': 'Please make sure that you have an X server running, and that ' 'the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly'}什么意思
时间: 2023-12-24 18:03:08 浏览: 457
这段代码是一个字典类型的常量 RESOLUTIONS,用于存储不同操作系统下与导入相关的错误提示信息。其中,键是操作系统的名称,值是相应的错误提示信息。
- 对于 Darwin 操作系统,错误提示信息是请确保您已安装系统框架的 Python 绑定。
- 对于 uinput 操作系统,错误提示信息是请确保您正在以 root 用户身份运行,并安装了实用程序 dumpkeys。
- 对于 xorg 操作系统,错误提示信息是请确保您已启动 X 服务器,并正确设置了 DISPLAY 环境变量。
model: base_learning_rate: 4.5e-6 target: ldm.models.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL params: monitor: "val/rec_loss" embed_dim: 4 lossconfig: target: ldm.modules.losses.LPIPSWithDiscriminator params: disc_start: 50001 kl_weight: 0.000001 disc_weight: 0.5 ddconfig: double_z: True z_channels: 4 resolution: 256 in_channels: 3 out_ch: 3 ch: 128 ch_mult: [ 1,2,4,4 ] # num_down = len(ch_mult)-1 num_res_blocks: 2 attn_resolutions: [ ] dropout: 0.0 data: target: main.DataModuleFromConfig params: batch_size: 12 wrap: True train: target: ldm.data.imagenet.ImageNetSRTrain params: size: 256 degradation: pil_nearest validation: target: ldm.data.imagenet.ImageNetSRValidation params: size: 256 degradation: pil_nearest lightning: callbacks: image_logger: target: main.ImageLogger params: batch_frequency: 1000 max_images: 8 increase_log_steps: True trainer: benchmark: True accumulate_grad_batches: 2 Footer © 2023 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy Security Status D怎么理解上述模型配置
上述模型配置是一个使用Lightning Distributed Module(LDM)框架训练的自编码器模型,其中包含了模型、数据、和Lightning的配置信息。
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class FullChangeControl : MonoBehaviour { public Button BtnFullScreen; public Button BtnExitFullScreen; void Update() { // 根据全屏状态切换按钮 if (Screen.fullScreen) { BtnFullScreen.gameObject.SetActive(false); BtnExitFullScreen.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { BtnFullScreen.gameObject.SetActive(true); BtnExitFullScreen.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } // 全屏 public void BtnFullScreenEvent() { if (Screen.fullScreen == false) { Resolution[] resolutions = Screen.resolutions; Screen.SetResolution(resolutions[resolutions.Length - 1].width, resolutions[resolutions.Length - 1].height, true); Screen.fullScreen = true; } } // 退出全屏 public void BtnExitFullScreenEvent() { if (Screen.fullScreen == true) { Screen.SetResolution(960, 540, false); Screen.fullScreen = false; } } }全屏需要点击两次,怎么修复
public IEnumerator SetFullScreen(bool isFullScreen)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); //等待帧结束
if (isFullScreen == false)
Resolution[] resolutions = Screen.resolutions;
Screen.SetResolution(resolutions[resolutions.Length - 1].width, resolutions[resolutions.Length - 1].height, true);
Screen.fullScreen = true;
Screen.SetResolution(960, 540, false);
Screen.fullScreen = false;
public void BtnFullScreenEvent()
if (Screen.fullScreen == false)
StartCoroutine(SetFullScreen(true)); //使用Coroutine来实现小延迟
public void BtnExitFullScreenEvent()
if (Screen.fullScreen == true)
StartCoroutine(SetFullScreen(false)); //使用Coroutine来实现小延迟