时间: 2023-12-20 22:32:41 浏览: 103
from queue import Queue
# 定义目标状态
target = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0]
# 定义移动方向
directions = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]]
# 判断状态是否合法
def isValid(state):
count = 0
for i in range(8):
for j in range(i + 1, 9):
if state[i] != 0 and state[j] != 0 and state[i] > state[j]:
count += 1
return count % 2 == 0
# 获取空格的位置
def getBlankIndex(state):
return state.index(0)
# 移动状态
def move(state, direction, blankIndex):
newState = state[:]
x = blankIndex // 3
y = blankIndex % 3
newX = x + direction[0]
newY = y + direction[1]
newBlankIndex = newX * 3 + newY
newState[blankIndex], newState[newBlankIndex] = newState[newBlankIndex], newState[blankIndex]
return newState
# 广度优先搜索
def bfs(startState):
if not isValid(startState):
return "无解"
visited = set()
q = Queue()
q.put((startState, 0))
while not q.empty():
state, step = q.get()
if state == target:
return step
blankIndex = getBlankIndex(state)
x = blankIndex // 3
y = blankIndex % 3
for direction in directions:
newX = x + direction[0]
newY = y + direction[1]
if 0 <= newX < 3 and 0 <= newY < 3:
newState = move(state, direction, blankIndex)
if tuple(newState) not in visited:
q.put((newState, step + 1))
return "无解"
# 测试
startState = [2, 8, 3, 1, 6, 4, 7, 0, 5]
steps = bfs(startState)
print("需要的最少步数为:", steps)