时间: 2023-12-08 16:04:43 浏览: 83
两个整数a和b的最小公倍数(LCM)是能够被a和b整除的最小正整数。可以使用以下公式计算两个整数a和b的LCM:LCM(a,b)=(a * b)/ GCD(a,b),其中GCD(a,b)表示a和b的最大公约数。因此,如果您想计算两个整数a和b的LCM,您可以首先计算它们的GCD,然后使用上述公式计算LCM。如果您有多个整数,可以使用以下公式计算它们的LCM:LCM(a1,a2,...,an)= LCM(LCM(LCM(a1,a2),a3),...,an)。这意味着您可以首先计算前两个整数的LCM,然后将其与第三个整数计算LCM,以此类推,直到您计算出所有整数的LCM。
1.What+is+a+digital+computer? 2.Are+there+any+differences+between+the+number+system+and+the+common+d
回答问题1:A digital computer is a type of computer that uses binary digits (0s and 1s) to represent data and perform operations. It is capable of performing arithmetic and logical operations, storing and retrieving data, and executing programs.
回答问题2:Yes, there are differences between the number system and the common decimal system. The decimal system is a base-10 system, meaning it uses 10 digits (0-9) to represent numbers. The number system, on the other hand, can be any base, such as binary (base-2), octal (base-8), or hexadecimal (base-16). Each base has its own set of digits used to represent numbers.
public+class+ArithmeticException+{ public+static+void+main(String+args[]){ int+a+=0;+int+b=+100;+int
public class ArithmeticException {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a = 0;
int b = 100;
int result = b / a;