distance(position(1), position(2), position(3), ue_x, ue_y, ue_z)
时间: 2024-10-14 09:13:51 浏览: 26
在Unreal Engine (UE) 中,计算两点间距离通常不直接使用 `distance` 函数,而是通过` FVector` 类型的向量运算来实现。如果你想根据三个位置(`position(1)`,`position(2)`,`position(3)`)来估算距离,可以创建一个`FVector`实例并进行操作[^1]:
// 假设你有三个位置变量
FVector pos1 = FVector(position(1).X, position(1).Y, position(1).Z);
FVector pos2 = FVector(position(2).X, position(2).Y, position(2).Z);
FVector pos3 = FVector(position(3).X, position(3).Y, position(3).Z);
// 计算两个点之间的向量
FVector vecAtoB = pos2 - pos1;
FVector vecAtoC = pos3 - pos1;
// 使用最短路径原理(曼哈顿距离或欧几里得距离),取两者之中的较小者
float shortestDistance = FMath::Min(vecAtoB.Size(), vecAtoC.Size());
function [azimuth, elevation] = sun_position(lat, lon, date)
% 计算太阳位置的函数
% 将日期转换为UTC时间
utc_date = datetime(date, 'TimeZone', 'UTC');
% 计算儒略日
julian_day = juliandate(utc_date);
% 计算世纪数
century = (julian_day - 2451545) / 36525;
% 计算太阳平黄经
mean_longitude = mod(280.46646 + century * (36000.76983 + century * 0.0003032), 360);
% 计算太阳平近点角
mean_anomaly = mod(357.52911 + century * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * century), 360);
% 计算地球椭圆轨道偏心率
eccentricity = 0.016708634 - century * (0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * century);
% 计算太阳地心距离
sun_distance = 1.000001018 * (1 - eccentricity^2) / (1 + eccentricity * cosd(mean_anomaly));
% 计算太阳真黄经
true_longitude = mod(mean_longitude + 1.914602 * sind(mean_anomaly) + 0.019993 * sind(2 * mean_anomaly), 360);
% 计算黄赤交角
obliquity = 23.439291 - century * (0.0130042 + 0.00000016 * century);
% 计算太阳赤经和赤纬
sin_declination = sind(obliquity) * sind(true_longitude);
cos_declination = sqrt(1 - sin_declination^2);
declination = atan2d(sin_declination, cos_declination);
right_ascension = atan2d(cosd(obliquity) * sind(true_longitude), cosd(true_longitude));
% 计算地方时
local_time = utc_date + hours(lon / 15);
% 计算时角
hour_angle = mod(15 * (local_time.Hour + local_time.Minute / 60 + local_time.Second / 3600 - 12) + right_ascension - 180, 360);
% 计算太阳高度角和方位角
sin_elevation = sind(lat) * sind(declination) + cosd(lat) * cosd(declination) * cosd(hour_angle);
cos_elevation = sqrt(1 - sin_elevation^2);
elevation = atan2d(sin_elevation, cos_elevation);
azimuth = atan2d(sind(hour_angle), cosd(hour_angle) * sind(lat) - tand(declination) * cosd(lat));
azimuth = mod(azimuth + 180, 360);
y = Kmeans.fit_predict(X)
This line of code is using the K-means clustering algorithm to fit and predict the cluster labels for the input data X. The K-means algorithm is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm used for clustering similar data points together based on their distance from each other. The "fit_predict" method is used to both fit the model to the data and predict the cluster labels for each data point in X. The resulting cluster labels are stored in the variable y.