def obtain_Worksheet_Data(self, key_name): # 读取第 2 行第 3 列的单元格内容 cell_value = self.worksheet.cell(row= data_demo.column_data.index(key_name) + 1, column=2).value # 打印单元格内容 return cell_value
时间: 2024-04-18 09:32:13 浏览: 98
在这个函数中,使用`self.worksheet.cell(row= data_demo.column_data.index(key_name) + 1, column=2).value`来获取指定单元格的内容。
- `data_demo.column_data.index(key_name)`用于获取`key_name`在`data_demo.column_data`列表中的索引位置。注意,这里假设`data_demo.column_data`是一个包含列数据的列表。
- `+ 1`是因为行和列的索引是从1开始的,而不是从0开始。
- `self.worksheet.cell(row=..., column=2)`用于获取指定行和列的单元格对象。
- `.value`用于获取单元格的内容。
import pygame import math from pygame.sprite import Sprite class Detector(Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, robot, dusts): super().__init__() # initialize detector and its location self.screen = screen self.robot = robot self.dusts = dusts # load image and get rectangle self.image = pygame.image.load('images/detector.png').convert_alpha() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def get_nearest_dust(self): # Obtain the nearest location information of dust nearest_dust = None min_distance = float('inf') for dust in self.dusts: distance = math.sqrt((dust.rect.centerx - self.robot.rect.centerx) ** 2 + (dust.rect.centery - self.robot.rect.centery) ** 2) if distance < min_distance and distance <= 1: nearest_dust = dust min_distance = distance return nearest_dust def blitme(self): # Draw the detector at the specific location self.screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) def update(self): # Update position to be at the center of the robot =
这段代码是一个名为 "Detector" 的类,继承自 Pygame 的 Sprite 类。它用于表示一个探测器,可以检测到最近的灰尘。在初始化时,它接收屏幕、机器人和灰尘的参数,并加载探测器的图像。get_nearest_dust() 方法用于获取最近的灰尘的位置信息,它会遍历所有的灰尘对象,计算机器人与每个灰尘之间的距离,并返回最近的灰尘对象。blitme() 方法用于绘制探测器在屏幕上的位置,update() 方法用于更新探测器的位置,使其始终位于机器人中心。
class ConstrainedList (list): """Constrains the list class so it offers only the following primitive array API: - `lst[i]` for getting and setting a value at an *existing, positive* index `i` - `len(lst)` to obtain the number of slots - `lst.append(None)` to grow the list by *one slot at a time* - `del lst[len(lst)-1]` to delete the last slot in a list All other operations will result in an exception being raised. """ def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) def append(self, value): if value is not None: raise ValueError('Can only append None to constrained list!') super().append(value) def __getitem__(self, idx): if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self): raise ValueError('Can only use positive, valid indexes on constrained lists!') return super().__getitem__(idx) def __setitem__(self, idx, value): if idx < 0 or idx >= len(self): raise ValueError('Can only use positive, valid indexes on constrained lists!') super().__setitem__(idx, value) def __delitem__(self, idx): if idx != len(self)-1: raise ValueError('Can only delete last item in constrained list!') super().__delitem__(idx) def __getattribute__(self, name): if name in ('insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'min', 'max', 'index', 'count', 'clear', 'copy', 'extend'): raise AttributeError('Method "' + name + '" not supported on constrained list!') else: return super().__getattribute__(name) # __getattribute__ isn't called for special methods, so the following are needed def __add__(self, value): raise AttributeError('Constrained lists do not support `+`!') def __contains__(self, value): raise AttributeError('Constrained lists do not support `in`!') def __eq__(self, value): raise AttributeError('Constrained lists do not support `==`!') def __iter__(self): raise AttributeError('Constrained lists do not support iteration!') def __str__(self): raise AttributeError('Constrained lists do not support stringification!') def __repr__(self): raise AttributeError('Constrained lists do not support stringification!') # for testing only! (don't use this in your ArrayList implementation) def _as_list(self): return list(super().__iter__())
这是一个对 Python 内置的 list 类进行约束的自定义类 ConstrainedList。它只支持以下简单数组 API:
- 通过 *已存在的正索引* `i` 获取和设置列表中的值:`lst[i]`
- 通过 `len(lst)` 获取槽的数量
- 通过每次增加一个槽来增加列表:`lst.append(None)`
- 通过删除列表中的最后一个槽来减少列表:`del lst[len(lst)-1]`
所有其他操作将导致引发异常。在 ConstrainedList 中实现了对这些 API 的限制,通过重写内置方法(如 `__getitem__`、`__setitem__`、`__delitem__` 和 `__getattribute__`)实现了限制。