filter(array(0, 2, 3), (x, i) -> x > i)

时间: 2023-05-22 12:01:18 浏览: 46
这是一个函数式编程的问题,可以使用 Python 或者 JavaScript 等语言来实现。以下是 Python 的实现: def filter(arr, func): return [x for i, x in enumerate(arr) if func(x, i)] result = filter([0, 2, 3], lambda x, i: x > i) print(result) # [2, 3] 这个函数接受两个参数,第一个是要过滤的数组,第二个是一个函数,这个函数接受两个参数,分别是数组中的元素和元素的索引,返回一个布尔值。函数的返回值是一个新的数组,只包含符合条件的元素。在这个例子中,我们使用 lambda 表达式来定义这个函数,它的意思是只有当元素的值大于它的索引时才返回 True。

arr = Array.from(new Array(4)).map(x => readline()).join(' ').split(' ').map(x => parseInt(x)) m = arr[0],n = arr[1] while (arr.length < n * 2 + m + 2){ arr.push(arr[arr.length - 1]) } h = Array.from(new Array(n)).map((x,y) => [arr[y + 2],arr[y + n + 2]]).sort((x,y) => x[1] > y[1] ? 1 : -1) p = Array.from(new Array(m)).map((x,y) => arr[y + n * 2 + 2]) n = 0 while (n < h.length){ n ++ while (n < h.length && h[n][0] <= h[n - 1][0]){ h.splice(n,1) } } for (var i = 0; i < m ; i ++){ t = h.filter(x => x[1] <= p[i]) print(t.length == 0 ? -1 : t[t.length -1][1]) } 将上面代码用python实现

你可以使用以下代码将上述 JavaScript 代码转换为 Python 代码: ```python arr = [int(x) for x in input().split()] m, n = arr[0], arr[1] while len(arr) < n * 2 + m + 2: arr.append(arr[-1]) h = [[arr[y + 2], arr[y + n + 2]] for y in range(n)] h.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) p = [arr[y + n * 2 + 2] for y in range(m)] n = 0 while n < len(h): n += 1 while n < len(h) and h[n][0] <= h[n - 1][0]: h.pop(n) for i in range(m): t = [x for x in h if x[1] <= p[i]] print(-1 if len(t) == 0 else t[-1][1]) ``` 请注意,这只是简单地将 JavaScript 代码转换为 Python 代码,可能需要根据实际情况进行进一步调整。

# import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class KalmanFilter: #实例属性 kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(4, 2) #其值为4,因为状态转移矩阵transitionMatrix有4个维度 #需要观测的维度为2 kf.measurementMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]], np.float32) #创建测量矩阵 kf.transitionMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0.7, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.7]], np.float32) #创建状态转移矩阵 # 创建一个0-99的一维矩阵 z = [i for i in range(100)] z_watch = np.mat(z) # 创建一个方差为1的高斯噪声,精确到小数点后两位 noise = np.round(np.random.normal(0, 1, 100), 2) noise_mat = np.mat(noise) # 将z的观测值和噪声相加 z_mat = z_watch + noise_mat # 定义x的初始状态,即位置和速度 x_mat = np.mat([[0, ], [0, ]]) y_mat = np.mat([[0, ], [0, ]]) def predict(self, coordX, coordY): #实例方法,自己实现一个predict ''' This function estimates the position of the object''' measured = np.array([[np.float32(coordX)], [np.float32(coordY)]]) self.kf.correct(measured) #结合观测值更新状态值,correct为卡尔曼滤波器自带函数 predicted = self.kf.predict() #调用卡尔曼滤波器自带的预测函数 x, y = int(predicted[0]), int(predicted[1]) #得到预测后的坐标值 # 绘制结果 plt.plot(measured[0], 'k+', label='Measured_x') plt.plot(x, 'b-', label='Kalman Filter_x') #plt.plot(real_state, 'g-', label='Real state') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title('Kalman Filter Results') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Position (m)') return x, y predict(self,x_mat,y_mat)优化这段python代码,随机生成x和y并实现对x和y的输入值的预测,并画出图像,实现可视化

# 导入必要的库 import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class KalmanFilter: def __init__(self): # 创建卡尔曼滤波器 self.kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(4, 2) # 创建测量矩阵 self.kf.measurementMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]], np.float32) # 创建状态转移矩阵 self.kf.transitionMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0.7, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.7]], np.float32) # 创建过程噪声协方差矩阵 self.kf.processNoiseCov = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.5, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.5]], np.float32) # 定义x的初始状态,即位置和速度 self.x = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [0]], np.float32) def predict(self, coordX, coordY): # 将输入值转换为测量值 measured = np.array([[np.float32(coordX)], [np.float32(coordY)]]) # 预测下一时刻的状态值 self.x = self.kf.predict() # 结合观测值更新状态值 self.x = self.kf.correct(measured) # 得到预测后的坐标值 x, y = int(self.x[0]), int(self.x[1]) return x, y # 创建KalmanFilter实例 kf = KalmanFilter() # 随机生成x和y x = np.array([i for i in range(1, 101)]) y = np.array([i for i in range(1, 101)]) # 添加随机噪声 x = x + np.random.normal(0, 10, 100) y = y + np.random.normal(0, 10, 100) # 预测输入值的位置 predicted_x = [] predicted_y = [] for i in range(100): px, py = kf.predict(x[i], y[i]) predicted_x.append(px) predicted_y.append(py) # 绘制结果 plt.plot(x, y, 'k+', label='Measured') plt.plot(predicted_x, predicted_y, 'b-', label='Kalman Filter') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title('Kalman Filter Results') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y')


以下代码出现input depth must be evenly divisible by filter depth: 1 vs 3错误是为什么,代码应该怎么改import tensorflow as tf from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D from keras.optimizers import SGD from keras.utils import np_utils from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.applications.vgg16 import VGG16 import numpy # 加载FER2013数据集 with open('E:/BaiduNetdiskDownload/fer2013.csv') as f: content = f.readlines() lines = numpy.array(content) num_of_instances = lines.size print("Number of instances: ", num_of_instances) # 定义X和Y X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = [], [], [], [] # 按行分割数据 for i in range(1, num_of_instances): try: emotion, img, usage = lines[i].split(",") val = img.split(" ") pixels = numpy.array(val, 'float32') emotion = np_utils.to_categorical(emotion, 7) if 'Training' in usage: X_train.append(pixels) y_train.append(emotion) elif 'PublicTest' in usage: X_test.append(pixels) y_test.append(emotion) finally: print("", end="") # 转换成numpy数组 X_train = numpy.array(X_train, 'float32') y_train = numpy.array(y_train, 'float32') X_test = numpy.array(X_test, 'float32') y_test = numpy.array(y_test, 'float32') # 数据预处理 X_train /= 255 X_test /= 255 X_train = X_train.reshape(X_train.shape[0], 48, 48, 1) X_test = X_test.reshape(X_test.shape[0], 48, 48, 1) # 定义VGG16模型 vgg16_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=(48, 48, 3)) # 微调模型 model = Sequential() model.add(vgg16_model) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(256, activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Dense(7, activation='softmax')) for layer in model.layers[:1]: layer.trainable = False # 定义优化器和损失函数 sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) model.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) # 数据增强 datagen = ImageDataGenerator( featurewise_center=False, featurewise_std_normalization=False, rotation_range=20, width_shift_range=0.2, height_shift_range=0.2, horizontal_flip=True) # 训练模型 model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(X_train, y_train, batch_size=32), steps_per_epoch=len(X_train) / 32, epochs=10) # 评估模型 score = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, batch_size=32) print("Test Loss:", score[0]) print("Test Accuracy:", score[1])

解释一段python代码 class KalmanFilter(object): def init(self, dim_x, dim_z, dim_u=0): if dim_x < 1: raise ValueError('dim_x must be 1 or greater') if dim_z < 1: raise ValueError('dim_z must be 1 or greater') if dim_u < 0: raise ValueError('dim_u must be 0 or greater') self.dim_x = dim_x self.dim_z = dim_z self.dim_u = dim_u self.x = zeros((dim_x, 1)) # state self.P = eye(dim_x) # uncertainty covariance self.Q = eye(dim_x) # process uncertainty self.B = None # control transition matrix self.F = eye(dim_x) # state transition matrix self.H = zeros((dim_z, dim_x)) # Measurement function self.R = eye(dim_z) # state uncertainty self._alpha_sq = 1. # fading memory control self.M = np.zeros((dim_z, dim_z)) # process-measurement cross correlation self.z = np.array([[None]*self.dim_z]).T # gain and residual are computed during the innovation step. We # save them so that in case you want to inspect them for various # purposes self.K = np.zeros((dim_x, dim_z)) # kalman gain self.y = zeros((dim_z, 1)) self.S = np.zeros((dim_z, dim_z)) # system uncertainty self.SI = np.zeros((dim_z, dim_z)) # inverse system uncertainty # identity matrix. Do not alter this. self._I = np.eye(dim_x) # these will always be a copy of x,P after predict() is called self.x_prior = self.x.copy() self.P_prior = self.P.copy() # these will always be a copy of x,P after update() is called self.x_post = self.x.copy() self.P_post = self.P.copy() # Only computed only if requested via property self._log_likelihood = log(sys.float_info.min) self._likelihood = sys.float_info.min self._mahalanobis = None self.inv = np.linalg.inv

#time = df["时间(hh:mm:ss)"] #将XX:XX:XX转换为min time = df["时间(hh:mm:ss)"] time_diff_mins = [0] t = datetime.strptime(df["时间(hh:mm:ss)"][0] , "%H:%M:%S")#起始 for i in range(1,len(time)): t1 = datetime.strptime(df["时间(hh:mm:ss)"][i] , "%H:%M:%S") time_diff = t1 - t#时间增量 time_diff_mins.append(round(time_diff.total_seconds()/60 , 2))#保留2位小数 #分别对分钟、油压、砂比、总排量赋值 p1 = np.array(time_diff_mins) p2 = np.array(df["油压(MPa)"]) p3 = np.array(df["砂比(%)"]) p4 = np.array(df["总排量(m^3)"]) fig , ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4) , constrained_layout=True) ax.set_xlabel("Time(min)") ax.set_ylabel("Pressure(MPa)",color="blue") ax.set_xlim([0,120]) ax.set_ylim([0,120]) ax.tick_params(axis="y" , colors="blue") #创建共享x轴的twin1,twin2 twin1 = ax.twinx() twin2 = ax.twinx() ax.spines["right"].set_color("none") twin1.set_ylabel("Proppant conc(%)" , color="orange") twin1.set_ylim([0,80]) #修改坐标轴twin1刻度的颜色 twin1.tick_params(axis="y" , colors="orange") #确定twin2轴右边轴的位置为140 twin2.spines["right"].set_position(("data",140)) twin2.set_ylabel("Pume rate(m3/min)",color="g") twin2.set_ylim([0,40]) #修改坐标轴twin2刻度的颜色 twin2.tick_params(axis="y" , colors="green") #显示图例,对参数命名时加逗号,否则报错 z1, = ax.plot(p1 , p2 , linestyle="-" , color="blue" , label="Pressure(MPa)") z2, = twin1.plot(p1 , p3 , linestyle="-" , color="orange" , label="Proppant conc(%)") z3, = twin2.plot(p1 , p4 , linestyle="-" , color="green" , label="Pume rate(m3/min)") ax.legend(handles=[z1,z2,z3] , loc="upper left")










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![matlab画柱状图]( # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** MATLAB柱状图是一种图形化工具,用于可视化数据中不同类别或组的分布情况。它通过绘制垂直条形来表示每个类别或组中的数据值。柱状图在信号处理中广泛用于可视化信号特征和进行频谱分析。 柱状图的优点在于其简单易懂,能够直观地展示数据分布。在信号处理中,柱状图可以帮助工程师识别信号中的模式、趋势和异常情况,从而为信号分析和处理提供有价值的见解。 # 2. 柱状图在信号处理中的应用 柱状图在信号处理

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![MATLAB柱状图在数据分析中的作用:从可视化到洞察]( # 1. MATLAB柱状图概述** 柱状图是一种广泛用于数据可视化的图表类型,它使用垂直条形来表示数据中不同类别或组别的值。在MATLAB中,柱状图通过`bar`函数创建,该函数接受数据向量或矩阵作为输入,并生成相应的高度条形。 柱状图的优点在于其简单性和易于理解性。它们可以快速有效地传达数据分布和组别之间的比较。此外,MATLAB提供了广泛的定制选项,允许用户调整条形颜色、

