edge_ori[0].append(i) edge_ori[1].append(j) edge_ori[0].append(j) edge_ori[1].append(i)
时间: 2024-05-31 16:08:14 浏览: 70
These four lines of code are adding an edge to a graph represented as a list of edges.
- The first line appends the index of the first vertex of the edge to `edge_ori[0]`.
- The second line appends the index of the second vertex of the edge to `edge_ori[1]`.
- The third line appends the index of the second vertex of the edge to `edge_ori[0]`.
- The fourth line appends the index of the first vertex of the edge to `edge_ori[1]`.
In other words, these lines of code are adding the edge (i,j) to the graph, as well as the edge (j,i) since the graph is undirected.
for ori_item_name, ori_item_price in origin_item_price: ori_item_price = xor_float_r2(ori_item_price) if ori_item_price <= 0: break # 数据格式为("*饲料*猪饲料120g", (['12.3', '11.92'], ['asx...', 'sxc...'])) match_res = True for inv_item_name, (matched_item_prices, matched_invoice_indexes) in item_name_map.items(): if double_in(ignore_brackets(ori_item_name), ignore_brackets(inv_item_name)): if ori_item_price in matched_item_prices: match_res = True break meta_ori.append(str((ori_item_name, ori_item_price)).replace("'", '')) meta_inv.append(str((inv_item_name, matched_item_prices)).replace("'", '')) for index in matched_invoice_indexes: inv_info = details[index] err_msg_temp.append(f"发票号码{inv_info['发票号码']}") err_img_temp.append(images[index]) match_res = False if not match_res: err_msg.extend(err_msg_temp) err_img.extend(err_img_temp)优化这段代码
1. 将`ignore_brackets`函数提前定义,以避免重复调用。
2. 将`if ori_item_price <= 0: break`改为`if ori_item_price > 0:`,从而避免使用`break`语句。
3. 将`meta_ori.append`和`meta_inv.append`放在`for`循环外部,以避免重复执行。
4. 将`err_msg_temp`和`err_img_temp`改为`err_msg`和`err_img`,并将其初始化为空列表,以避免重复定义。
5. 将`if not match_res:`改为`if match_res == False:`,从而使代码更易读。
def ignore_brackets(item_name):
return re.sub(r'(.*)', '', item_name)
ignore_brackets = re.compile(r'(.*)')
meta_ori = []
meta_inv = []
err_msg = []
err_img = []
for ori_item_name, ori_item_price in origin_item_price:
ori_item_price = xor_float_r2(ori_item_price)
if ori_item_price > 0:
match_res = True
err_msg_temp = []
err_img_temp = []
for inv_item_name, (matched_item_prices, matched_invoice_indexes) in item_name_map.items():
if double_in(ignore_brackets(ori_item_name), ignore_brackets(inv_item_name)):
if ori_item_price in matched_item_prices:
match_res = True
meta_ori.append(str((ori_item_name, ori_item_price)).replace("'", ''))
meta_inv.append(str((inv_item_name, matched_item_prices)).replace("'", ''))
for index in matched_invoice_indexes:
inv_info = details[index]
match_res = False
if match_res == False:
for ori_item_name, ori_item_price in origin_item_price: ori_item_price = xor_float(ori_item_price) if ori_item_price <= 0: break # 数据格式为("*饲料*猪饲料120g", (['12.3', '11.92'], ['asx...', 'sxc...'])) match_res = True for inv_item_name, (matched_item_prices, matched_invoice_indexes) in item_name_map.items(): if double_in(ignore_brackets(ori_item_name), ignore_brackets(inv_item_name)): if ori_item_price in matched_item_prices: match_res = True break meta_ori.append(str((ori_item_name, ori_item_price)).replace("'", '')) meta_inv.append(str((inv_item_name, matched_item_prices)).replace("'", '')) for index in matched_invoice_indexes: inv_info = details[index] err_msg_temp.append(f"发票号码{inv_info['发票号码']}") err_img_temp.append(images[index]) match_res = False if not match_res: err_msg.extend(err_msg_temp) err_img.extend(err_img_temp)这段代码的解释
这是一段 Python 代码。主要的功能是根据一个名为 `origin_item_price` 的数据列表中的数据,匹配另一个名为 `item_name_map` 的字典中的数据,并将匹配结果存储在名为 `match_res` 的变量中。如果匹配成功,将跳出循环;如果匹配失败,则将相关信息存储在名为 `err_msg` 和 `err_img` 的列表中。
具体地,代码中的 `ori_item_name` 和 `ori_item_price` 分别表示 `origin_item_price` 列表中的数据的名称和价格。接着,使用 `xor_float()` 函数对价格进行异或操作,并判断价格是否小于等于 0,如果是,则跳出循环。然后,使用 `item_name_map` 字典中的数据和 `double_in()` 函数进行匹配,如果匹配成功,则将 `match_res` 设置为 True 并跳出循环;如果匹配失败,则将相关信息存储在 `meta_ori` 和 `meta_inv` 列表中,并将 `match_res` 设置为 False。最后,根据 `match_res` 的值,将相关信息存储在 `err_msg` 和 `err_img` 列表中。