Stack (most recent call first):
时间: 2023-10-29 13:35:27 浏览: 167
This error message typically indicates a problem with the call stack in a program. It means that the program has encountered an error and is unable to continue executing. The most recent function call is usually listed at the top of the stack trace, with the earlier calls listed below it. To fix the error, you may need to carefully examine the code and trace the problem back through the call stack to find the root cause.
Could not find toolchain file: ./build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake Call Stack (most recent call first):
这个错误通常是由于缺少 Android NDK 或者 CMake 工具链文件引起的。你需要确保已经正确安装了 Android NDK 和 CMake,并且指定了正确的工具链文件路径。
你可以尝试更新 CMakeLists.txt 文件,将以下内容添加到文件开头:
set(ANDROID_NDK /path/to/ndk)
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE /path/to/android.toolchain.cmake)
将 `/path/to/ndk` 替换为你的 Android NDK 路径,将 `/path/to/android.toolchain.cmake` 替换为你的 CMake 工具链文件路径。
如果问题仍然存在,你可以尝试查看 CMake 输出的详细信息,以确定具体的问题所在。
CMake Error at cmake/FindFLANN.cmake:91 (message): Could not find FLANN Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:104 (find_package)
1. FLANN库未正确安装或未安装。
2. CMake无法找到FLANN库的安装位置。
3. 系统环境变量未正确设置。
1. 确保FLANN库已正确安装,并且可在系统路径中访问。
2. 在CMakeLists.txt文件中设置FLANN库的安装路径,例如:
set(FLANN_ROOT_DIR "/path/to/flann")
find_package(FLANN REQUIRED)
3. 检查系统环境变量是否正确设置,例如:
export FLANN_ROOT=/path/to/flann