解析代码 DAYS_SUM = list(accumulate((31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31), initial=0)) def calc_days(date: str) -> int: return DAYS_SUM[int(date[:2]) - 1] + int(date[3:]) class Solution: def countDaysTogether(self, arriveAlice: str, leaveAlice: str, arriveBob: str, leaveBob: str) -> int: return max(calc_days(min(leaveAlice, leaveBob)) - calc_days(max(arriveAlice, arriveBob)) + 1, 0)
时间: 2023-04-03 09:03:30 浏览: 216
这是一段 Python 代码,其中定义了一个列表 DAYS_SUM,它包含了每个月的天数之和。然后定义了一个函数 calc_days,它接受一个日期字符串作为参数,返回该日期在一年中的天数。最后定义了一个类 Solution,其中有一个方法 countDaysTogether,它接受四个日期字符串作为参数,返回两个人在同一时间段内相遇的最长天数。
{% with total_sum=0 %} {% for num in numbers %} {% with total_sum=total_sum+num %} {% endfor %} Total Sum: {{ total_sum }} {% endwith %} 报错
根据你提供的代码,看起来你正在使用Django模板引擎。然而,Django模板引擎不支持在`{% with %}`标签内部使用赋值运算符。因此,你在代码中使用的`{% with total_sum=total_sum+num %}`会导致语法错误。
1. 使用自定义模板过滤器:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def accumulate(numbers):
total_sum = 0
for num in numbers:
total_sum += num
return total_sum
给下列代码加注释: def merge_accumulate_client_update(self, list_num_proc, list_state_dict, lr): total_num_proc = sum(list_num_proc) # merged_state_dict = dict() dict_keys = list_state_dict[0].keys() for state_dict in list_state_dict[1:]: assert state_dict.keys() == dict_keys # accumulate extra sgrad and remove from state_dict if self.use_adaptive and self.is_adj_round(): prefix = "extra." for state_dict in list_state_dict: del_list = [] for key, param in state_dict.items(): if key[:len(prefix)] == prefix: sgrad_key = key[len(prefix):] mask_0 = self.model.get_mask_by_name(sgrad_key) == 0. dense_sgrad = torch.zeros_like(mask_0, dtype=torch.float) dense_sgrad.masked_scatter_(mask_0, param) # no need to divide by lr self.control.accumulate(sgrad_key, dense_sgrad) del_list.append(key) for del_key in del_list: del state_dict[del_key]
def merge_accumulate_client_update(self, list_num_proc, list_state_dict, lr):
total_num_proc = sum(list_num_proc)
# merged_state_dict = dict()
dict_keys = list_state_dict[0].keys()
# Check if all state dicts have the same keys
for state_dict in list_state_dict[1:]:
assert state_dict.keys() == dict_keys
# accumulate extra sgrad and remove from state_dict
if self.use_adaptive and self.is_adj_round():
prefix = "extra."
for state_dict in list_state_dict:
del_list = []
for key, param in state_dict.items():
# Check if the key starts with 'extra.'
if key[:len(prefix)] == prefix:
# Get the corresponding sgrad key
sgrad_key = key[len(prefix):]
# Create a mask of zeroes
mask_0 = self.model.get_mask_by_name(sgrad_key) == 0.
# Create a dense tensor and fill it with values from param based on the mask
dense_sgrad = torch.zeros_like(mask_0, dtype=torch.float)
dense_sgrad.masked_scatter_(mask_0, param)
# Accumulate the dense sgrad without dividing by lr
self.control.accumulate(sgrad_key, dense_sgrad)
# Add the key to the delete list
# Remove the keys from the state_dict
for del_key in del_list:
del state_dict[del_key]
- `total_num_proc`:所有进程数的总和。
- `dict_keys`:状态字典的键列表。
- 检查所有状态字典是否具有相同的键。
- 如果使用自适应且处于调整轮次,则累加额外的`sgrad`并从状态字典中删除。
- `prefix`:额外`sgrad`的前缀。
- 对于每个状态字典,遍历键和参数。
- 如果键以`prefix`开头,则获取相应的`sgrad`键。
- 创建一个零填充的掩码。
- 创建一个稠密张量,并根据掩码从参数中填充值。
- 累加不除以`lr`的稠密`sgrad`。
- 将键添加到删除列表。
- 从状态字典中删除键。